Releases: hanmpark/scholarship_logtime
Releases · hanmpark/scholarship_logtime
scholarship_logtime v0.3.1
scholarship_logtime v0.3.0
New Features
You can now choose any month !
You need to install the jq
scholarship_logtime v0.2.0
Release notes for v0.2.0
- Changed whole code structure for clarity purpose
- Improved readability. It facilitates seamless addition or removal of features, ensuring that modifications can be implemented smoothly and without disrupting the overall functionality.
New features
- Added .env file to store personal information for easier management
- Arrival of options:
give information about the program-l|--login
set the login name-m|--month
set the month-s
if set, the program will show the dates
Initial Release
Initial Release
I am excited to release scholarship_logtime my first personal project on GitHub. As a passionate and aspiring developer (42 Nice student), I created this project to showcase my newfound coding skills and to embark on a journey of continuous learning and growth.
Releasing scholarship_logtime allows me to
- demonstrate Skills: By sharing my project publicly, I aim to exhibit my programming abilities, problem-solving skills, and creativity to potential employers, colleagues, and the developer community.
- seek feedback: I welcome feedback, suggestions, and contributions from fellow developers and users. Their insights will be invaluable in improving the project and enhancing my understanding of software development best practices.
- collaborate with others: I am eager to collaborate with like-minded individuals, students, or professionals who share a passion for coding. Together, we can enhance the project's features, explore new ideas, and encourage one another's growth.
- build a portfolio: scholarship_logtime serves as a foundational piece in my growing portfolio, reflecting my dedication to learning and my commitment to refining my skills as a developer.
See you soon !