This is Erlang implementation of LLSN binary format. Here is specifiaction:
Packet = {12345, "Hello World!"},
Bin = llsn:encode(Packet, Struct).
Struct = {
Packet = {12345, "Hello World!", [1,2,3,4,5]},
Bin = llsn:encode(Packet, Struct).
Struct = {
Packet = {12345, "Hello World!", [1,2,null,null,5]},
Bin = llsn:encode(Packet, Struct).
Struct = {
Packet = {
12345, "Hello World!",
{false, {{2015, 4, 15},{16, 56, 39, 678},{0,0}}}
Bin = llsn:encode(Packet, Struct).
C-example of tree like data structure
typedef TreeStruct struct {
int value,
TreeStruct *child
In LLSN you have to use LLSN_TYPE_POINTER.
Struct = {
Packet = {
12345, "Hello World!",
{false, {{2015, 4, 15},{16, 56, 39, 678},{0,0}},
Bin = llsn:encode(Packet, Struct).
Bin = llsn:encode(Packet, Struct, self()).
Default frame size has value 49152 bytes (as LLSN_DEFAULT_FRAME_LIMIT definition in .erl file). You can specify custom value
Bin = llsn:encode(Packet, Struct, self(), 128000).
... 3th argument is Pid of receiver process.
receive_frame(Bin) ->
{frame, _N, _Size, Frame, UserData } ->
?assert(UserData =:= [userdata]),
{done, _N, _Size, Frame, UserData} ->
?assert(UserData =:= [userdata]),
after 1000 -> ?assert("timeout")
demoframe() ->
ok = llsn:encode(Packet, Struct, self(), 50, [userdata]),
Bin = receive_frame(<<>>),
It's able to decode part of encoded data starting from the first frame.
case decode(Bin) of
{parted, State1} ->
% part of the packet
Packet ->
% complete packet
To continue decoding you have to use State1 and the next part of binary data
Value = decode(continue, State1, NextFrame)
It's useful in case of transfer big files. For example: array of Images.
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