Assisted Reconnaissance Mission System Mk. III
ARMS/3 is a web service and a set of UserScripts designed to make group recon in the Urban Dead persistent browser-based game a less tedious and daunting task. Additionally, it makes taking advantage of all of that recon info more streamlined by integrating with the DSSRZS Map of Malton.
Installation and configuration instructions
ARMS/3 is a work in progress. The following features are planned for the immediate future:
- Installation and configuration instructions, screenshots, etc.
- Separate "implicit" and "explicit" report data (i.e. that a building is lit implies that it has a generator, but not any info about its fuel level, and spotting a ruin from the outside implies that it is ruined, but does not convey its repair cost)
- Detect large buildings (malls) and handle indoor reports appropriately... Currently, surrounding cells are not scanned for zombies if you are indoors
Barricade/door statuses are displayed using standard abbreviations, and are color coded according to their severity. This data is in a black box with a solid white border.
- Opn - (Red) The doors to the street are open
- Cls - (Red) The doors to the street are closed
- LoB - (Orange) Loosely barricaded
- LiB - (Orange) Lightly barricaded
- SB - (Yellow) Strongly barricaded
- QSB - (Yellow) Quite strongly barricaded
- VSB - (Yellow) Very strongly barricaded
- HB - (Green) Heavily barricaded
- VHB - (Green) Very heavily barricaded
- EHB - (Green) Extremely heavily barricaded
If a ruin is observed from the outside (i.e. the repair cost cannot be determined), it will show a question mark (?). Otherwise, the repair cost will be listed. If there is an existing report that includes the repair cost, it will not be overwritten by an unknown value. This data is in a red box with white text.
If a building has a generator inside of it, its fuel level will be displayed, color coded according to its severity. If a lit building is spotted from the outside, a question mark (?) will be used instead. If there is an existing report that includes the fuel level, it will not be overwritten by an unknown value. This data is in a black box with a dotted white border.
- ? - (White) Lit (fuel unknown)
- E - (Red) Empty
- VL - (Orange) Very low
- L - (Yellow) Low
- F - (Green) Full
If zombies are spotted on a tile, their number is recorded along with whether
they were spotted inside or outside. When on display, the interior zed count
will be prefixed with I:
and the exterior zed count will be prefixed with
. If there were 2 zeds inside and 1 outside, you would see I:2 O:1
Interior zed count will not be visible for the current tile if the player is
indoors, and exterior zed count will not be visible for any tiles if the player
is outdoors (since the game UI should already make these numbers obvious). This
data is in a green box with black text.