diff --git a/src/Informedica.GenForm.Lib/Scripts/Update.fsx b/src/Informedica.GenForm.Lib/Scripts/Update.fsx
index d81075b..be379f6 100644
--- a/src/Informedica.GenForm.Lib/Scripts/Update.fsx
+++ b/src/Informedica.GenForm.Lib/Scripts/Update.fsx
@@ -613,7 +613,6 @@ module Mapping =
eqsRte && eqsShp && eqsUnt
- (*
let private requires_ (rtes, unt, shape) =
@@ -628,6 +627,7 @@ module Mapping =
let requiresReconstitution =
Memoization.memoize requires_
+ (*
diff --git a/src/Informedica.GenUnits.Lib/ValueUnit.fs b/src/Informedica.GenUnits.Lib/ValueUnit.fs
index c149a56..9772159 100644
--- a/src/Informedica.GenUnits.Lib/ValueUnit.fs
+++ b/src/Informedica.GenUnits.Lib/ValueUnit.fs
@@ -1727,6 +1727,107 @@ module Units =
app u
+ ///
+ /// Check whether unit u1 equals unit u2
+ /// irrespective of the unit value
+ ///
+ /// The first unit
+ /// The second unit
+ let eqsUnit u1 u2 =
+ match u1, u2 with
+ | NoUnit, NoUnit -> true
+ | NoUnit, _
+ | _, NoUnit -> false
+ | ZeroUnit, ZeroUnit -> true
+ | ZeroUnit, _
+ | _, ZeroUnit -> false
+ | General (n1, v1), General (n2, v2) ->
+ n1 = n2 && v1 = v2
+ | General _, _
+ | _, General _ -> false
+ | Count g1, Count g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | Times _, Times _ -> true
+ | Count _, _
+ | _, Count _ -> false
+ | Distance d1, Distance d2 ->
+ match d1, d2 with
+ | Meter _, Meter _
+ | CentiMeter _, CentiMeter _
+ | MilliMeter _, MilliMeter _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ | Distance _, _
+ | _, Distance _ -> false
+ | Volume g1, Volume g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | Liter _, Liter _
+ | DeciLiter _, DeciLiter _
+ | MilliLiter _, MilliLiter _
+ | MicroLiter _, MicroLiter _
+ | Droplet _, Droplet _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ | Volume _, _
+ | _, Volume _ -> false
+ | Mass g1, Mass g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | KiloGram _, KiloGram _
+ | Gram _, Gram _
+ | MilliGram _, MilliGram _
+ | MicroGram _, MicroGram _
+ | NanoGram _, NanoGram _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ | Mass _, _
+ | _, Mass _ -> false
+ | Time g1, Time g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | Year _, Year _
+ | Month _, Month _
+ | Week _, Week _
+ | Day _, Day _
+ | Hour _, Hour _
+ | Minute _, Minute _
+ | Second _, Second _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ | Time _, _
+ | _, Time _ -> false
+ | Molar g1, Molar g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | Mole _, Mole _
+ | MilliMole _, MilliMole _
+ | MicroMole _, MicroMole _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ | Molar _, _
+ | _, Molar _ -> false
+ | International g1, International g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | MIU _, MIU _
+ | IU _, IU _
+ | MilliIU _, MilliIU _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ | International _, _
+ | _, International _ -> false
+ | Weight g1, Weight g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | WeightKiloGram _, WeightKiloGram _
+ | WeightGram _, WeightGram _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ | Weight _, _
+ | _, Weight _ -> false
+ | Height g1, Height g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | HeightMeter _, HeightMeter _
+ | HeightCentiMeter _, HeightCentiMeter _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ | Height _, _
+ | _, Height _ -> false
+ | BSA g1, BSA g2 ->
+ match g1, g2 with
+ | M2 _, M2 _ -> true
+ | BSA _, _
+ | _, BSA _ -> false
+ | CombiUnit (ul1, op1, ur1), CombiUnit (ul2, op2, ur2) ->
+ op1 = op2 && eqsUnit ul1 ul2 && eqsUnit ur1 ur2
module ValueUnit =