diff --git a/src/Informedica.GenForm.Lib/Product.fs b/src/Informedica.GenForm.Lib/Product.fs
index 7e046de..33a3ba5 100644
--- a/src/Informedica.GenForm.Lib/Product.fs
+++ b/src/Informedica.GenForm.Lib/Product.fs
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ module Product =
|> Array.map (fun s ->
- Name = rename s gpp.Name
+ Name = rename s s.SubstanceName
Quantity =
|> BigRational.fromFloat
diff --git a/src/Informedica.GenOrder.Lib/Scripts/Api2.fsx b/src/Informedica.GenOrder.Lib/Scripts/Api2.fsx
index 7f3de5a..797f5b4 100644
--- a/src/Informedica.GenOrder.Lib/Scripts/Api2.fsx
+++ b/src/Informedica.GenOrder.Lib/Scripts/Api2.fsx
@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ stopLogger ()
-|> fun p -> { p with VenousAccess = CVL; AgeInDays = Some 0N }
+//|> fun p -> { p with VenousAccess = CVL; AgeInDays = Some 0N }
|> PrescriptionRule.get
//|> Array.filter (fun pr -> pr.DoseRule.Products |> Array.isEmpty |> not)
|> Array.filter (fun pr ->
- pr.DoseRule.Route = "rect" //&&
-// pr.DoseRule.Indication |> String.startsWith "vassopressie"
+ pr.DoseRule.Route = "iv" &&
+ pr.DoseRule.Indication |> String.startsWith "behandeling pneumocystis"
|> Array.item 0 //|> Api.evaluate (OrderLogger.logger.Logger)
|> fun pr -> pr |> Api.createDrugOrder (pr.SolutionRules[0] |> Some) //|> printfn "%A"
diff --git a/src/Informedica.ZForm.Lib/GStand.fs b/src/Informedica.ZForm.Lib/GStand.fs
index 8a60205..8831b23 100644
--- a/src/Informedica.ZForm.Lib/GStand.fs
+++ b/src/Informedica.ZForm.Lib/GStand.fs
@@ -25,8 +25,18 @@ module GStand =
module Units = ValueUnit.Units
- /// Utility function to get the group a tuple
- /// by the first element.
+ ///
+ /// Utility function to get the grouped
+ /// sequence of a seq of tuples. Grouping
+ /// is by the first element of the tuple.
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// let xs = [ (1, "a"); (1, "b"); (2, "c"); (2, "d") ]
+ /// groupByFst xs |> Seq.toList
+ /// // [(1, seq ["a"; "b"]); (2, seq ["c"; "d"])]
+ ///
+ ///
let groupByFst xs =
|> Seq.groupBy fst
@@ -45,20 +55,28 @@ module GStand =
- /// Map GSTand min max float Option values to
- /// a `DoseRule` `MinMax` for a given `Object`.
+ /// Map a ZIndex MinMax to a GenCore MinIncrMax
/// Set the min value
/// Set the max value
/// The min max values
- /// The `Object` to map to
+ /// The minIncrMax to map to
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// let setMin = ((Option.map ValueUnit.weightInKg) >> (Optic.set MinIncrMax.Optics.inclMinLens))
+ /// let setMax = ((Option.map ValueUnit.weightInKg) >> (Optic.set MinIncrMax.Optics.inclMaxLens))
+ /// mapMinMax setMin setMax DR.minmax MinIncrMax.empty
+ ///
+ ///
let mapMinMax<'a>
(setMin: float Option -> 'a -> 'a)
(setMax: float Option -> 'a -> 'a)
(minmax: ZIndexTypes.RuleMinMax)
- (o: 'a)
+ (minIncrMax: 'a)
- o |> setMin minmax.Min |> setMax minmax.Max
+ minIncrMax
+ |> setMin minmax.Min
+ |> setMax minmax.Max
@@ -66,17 +84,18 @@ module GStand =
/// i.e. if all min weights are the same and all max weights are the same.
+ /// Cannot calculate weight min max with: {drs}
let calcWeightMinMax (drs: ZIndexTypes.DoseRule seq) =
match drs |> Seq.toList with
- | [] -> DR.minmax
+ | [] -> DR.minmax
| [ h ] -> h.Weight
| h :: tail ->
if tail
|> List.forall (fun mm -> mm.Weight = h.Weight) then
- DR.minmax
+ failwith $"cannot calculate weight min max with: {drs}"
|> mapMinMax
((Option.map ValueUnit.weightInKg)
>> (Optic.set MinIncrMax.Optics.inclMinLens))
@@ -89,16 +108,17 @@ module GStand =
/// i.e. if all min bsa are the same and all max bsa are the same.
+ /// Cannot calculate bsa min max with: {drs}
let calcBSAMinMax (drs: ZIndexTypes.DoseRule seq) =
match drs |> Seq.toList with
| [] -> DR.minmax
| [ h ] -> h.BSA
| h :: tail ->
- if tail |> List.forall (fun mm -> mm.BSA = h.Weight) then
+ if tail |> List.forall (fun mm -> mm.BSA = h.BSA) then
- DR.minmax
+ failwith $"cannot calculate bsa min max with: {drs}"
|> mapMinMax
((Option.map ValueUnit.bsaInM2)
>> (Optic.set MinIncrMax.Optics.inclMinLens))
@@ -139,11 +159,14 @@ module GStand =
/// The frequency to map
/// The mapped frequency
/// Cannot parse freq value unit
- ///
- /// Only perform mapping if the frequency is not 1 and if
- /// the frequency is a valid unit.
- ///
- let mapFreq (fr: ZIndexTypes.RuleFrequency) =
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// let fr : ZIndexTypes.RuleFrequency = { Frequency = 1.; Time = "dag" }
+ /// mapFreq fr
+ /// // ValueUnit ([|1N|], CombiUnit (Count (Times 1N), OpPer, Time (Day 1N)))
+ ///
+ ///
+ let mapFreqToValueUnit (fr: ZIndexTypes.RuleFrequency) =
let map vu =
match [
2N, ValueUnit.freqUnitPerNday 3N, ValueUnit.freqUnitPerNHour 36N
@@ -197,7 +220,7 @@ module GStand =
- /// Map G-STandard DoseRule doses to
+ /// Map G-Standard DoseRule doses to
/// - normal min max dose
/// - absolute min max dose
@@ -220,7 +243,7 @@ module GStand =
let mapDoses (n: string) qty unit (gstdsr: ZIndexTypes.DoseRule) =
- let fr = mapFreq gstdsr.Freq
+ let fr = mapFreqToValueUnit gstdsr.Freq
let setMin =
Optic.set MinIncrMax.Optics.inclMinLens
@@ -267,82 +290,6 @@ module GStand =
- ///
- /// Get the Dosage and Indications for a given DoseRange and list of DoseRules. Uses a
- /// config to create a Dosage with a start, rate or total dose.
- ///
- /// The Config
- /// The 'Name' of the Dosage
- /// The DoseRules
- let getDosage
- cfg
- n
- (dsr: {| doseRange: DoseRange
- doserules: list
- frequencies: list
- inds: list
- routes: list |})
- =
- let tu =
- match dsr.frequencies with
- | fr :: _ ->
- match fr |> ValueUnit.get |> snd with
- | CombiUnit (_, OpPer, tu) -> tu
- | _ -> NoUnit
- | _ -> NoUnit
- {|
- indications = dsr.inds
- Dosage =
- Dosage.empty
- |> Dosage.Optics.setName n
- |> Dosage.Optics.setRules (
- dsr.doserules
- |> List.map (DR.toString2 >> GStandRule)
- )
- |> (fun ds ->
- printfn $"created dosage: {ds}"
- match tu with
- | _ when tu = Unit.NoUnit || (tu |> ValueUnit.isCountUnit) ->
- ds
- |> (Optic.set Dosage.StartDosage_ dsr.doseRange)
- | _ when
- cfg.IsRate
- && dsr.frequencies |> List.length = 1
- && tu = Units.Time.hour
- ->
- ds
- |> (Optic.set Dosage.RateDosage_ (dsr.doseRange, tu))
- |> (fun ds ->
- match cfg.TimeUnit with
- | Some u -> ds |> Dosage.convertRateUnitTo u
- | None -> ds
- )
- | _ ->
- let frs =
- let fr =
- dsr.frequencies
- |> List.collect (ValueUnit.getValue >> Array.toList)
- |> List.sort
- Dosage.createFrequency fr tu None
- ds
- |> (Optic.set Dosage.TotalDosage_ (dsr.doseRange, frs))
- // Perform unit conversion
- |> (fun ds ->
- match cfg.SubstanceUnit with
- | Some u -> ds |> Dosage.convertSubstanceUnitTo u
- | None -> ds
- )
- )
- |}
/// Map MinMax DoseRanges to a DoseRange record.
@@ -382,7 +329,6 @@ module GStand =
| None ->
match x1, x2 with
| Some x1_, Some x2_ ->
- // printfn "calculating %A %A = %A" x1_ x2_ (x1_ |> op <| x2_)
(x1_ |> op <| x2_) |> Some
| _ -> y
@@ -452,7 +398,7 @@ module GStand =
|> Seq.fold
(fun acc d ->
- let _, inds, frs, gstdsrs, norm_, abs_, normKg_, absKg_, normM2_, absM2_ =
+ let frs, norm_, abs_, normKg_, absKg_, normM2_, absM2_ =
let frs =
@@ -482,13 +428,15 @@ module GStand =
d.frequency :: frs
+ (*
let inds =
if inds |> List.exists ((=) d.indication) then
d.indication :: inds
+ *)
- let gstdsrs = d.doserule :: gstdsrs
+ //let gstdsrs = d.doserule :: gstdsrs
let norm = foldMaximize d.normDose norm_
let abs = foldMaximize d.absDose abs_
@@ -500,22 +448,26 @@ module GStand =
let normM2 = foldMaximize d.normM2 normM2_
let absM2 = foldMaximize d.absM2 absM2_
- d.routes, inds, frs, gstdsrs, norm, abs, normKg, absKg, normM2, absM2
+ frs, norm, abs, normKg, absKg, normM2, absM2
- [],
- [],
- [],
- |> fun (rts, inds, frs, gstdsrs, norm, abs, normKg, absKg, normM2, absM2) ->
+ |> fun (frs, norm, abs, normKg, absKg, normM2, absM2) ->
- routes = rts
- indications = inds
+ routes =
+ ds
+ |> Seq.collect (fun r -> r.routes)
+ |> Seq.toList
+ indications =
+ ds
+ |> Seq.map (fun r -> r.indication)
+ |> Seq.distinct
+ |> Seq.toList
frequencies = frs
normDose = norm
absDose = abs
@@ -523,10 +475,89 @@ module GStand =
absKg = absKg
normM2 = normM2
absM2 = absM2
- doserules = gstdsrs
+ doserules =
+ ds
+ |> Seq.map (fun r -> r.doserule)
+ |> Seq.toList
+ ///
+ /// Get the Dosage and Indications for a given DoseRange and list of DoseRules. Uses a
+ /// config to create a Dosage with a start, rate or total dose.
+ ///
+ /// The Config
+ /// The 'Name' of the Dosage
+ /// The DoseRules
+ let getDosage
+ cfg
+ n
+ (dsr: {| doseRange: DoseRange
+ doserules: list
+ frequencies: list
+ inds: list
+ routes: list |})
+ =
+ let tu =
+ match dsr.frequencies with
+ | fr :: _ ->
+ match fr |> ValueUnit.get |> snd with
+ | CombiUnit (_, OpPer, tu) -> tu
+ | _ -> NoUnit
+ | _ -> NoUnit
+ {|
+ indications = dsr.inds
+ dosage =
+ Dosage.empty
+ |> Dosage.Optics.setName n
+ |> Dosage.Optics.setRules (
+ if dsr.doserules |> List.isEmpty then
+ printfn $"EMPTY DOSERULES: {n}"
+ dsr.doserules
+ |> List.map (DR.toString2 >> GStandRule)
+ )
+ |> (fun ds ->
+ match tu with
+ | _ when tu = Unit.NoUnit || (tu |> ValueUnit.isCountUnit) ->
+ ds
+ |> (Optic.set Dosage.StartDosage_ dsr.doseRange)
+ | _ when
+ cfg.IsRate
+ && dsr.frequencies |> List.length = 1
+ && tu = Units.Time.hour
+ ->
+ ds
+ |> (Optic.set Dosage.RateDosage_ (dsr.doseRange, tu))
+ |> (fun ds ->
+ match cfg.TimeUnit with
+ | Some u -> ds |> Dosage.convertRateUnitTo u
+ | None -> ds
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ let frs =
+ let fr =
+ dsr.frequencies
+ |> List.collect (ValueUnit.getValue >> Array.toList)
+ |> List.sort
+ Dosage.createFrequency fr tu None
+ ds
+ |> (Optic.set Dosage.TotalDosage_ (dsr.doseRange, frs))
+ // Perform unit conversion
+ |> (fun ds ->
+ match cfg.SubstanceUnit with
+ | Some u -> ds |> Dosage.convertSubstanceUnitTo u
+ | None -> ds
+ )
+ )
+ |}
/// Create the `Dosages` for a given list of `DoseRules` for
@@ -564,7 +595,8 @@ module GStand =
/// a PatientCategory.
/// The Config
- /// The DoseRules
+ /// The ZIndex DoseRules
+ /// {| doseRules: DoseRule seq; patientCategory: PatientCategory; substanceDoses: {| Dosage: Dosage; indications: string list |} seq |} seq
let getPatients (cfg: CreateConfig) (drs: ZIndexTypes.DoseRule seq) =
let map = mapMinMax
@@ -572,33 +604,50 @@ module GStand =
let wghtKg = Option.map ValueUnit.weightInKg
+ let bsaM2 = Option.map ValueUnit.bsaInM2
let mapAge =
- map (ageInMo >> PatientCategory.Optics.setInclMinAge) (ageInMo >> PatientCategory.Optics.setExclMaxAge)
+ map
+ (ageInMo >> PatientCategory.Optics.setInclMinAge)
+ (ageInMo >> PatientCategory.Optics.setExclMaxAge)
let mapWght =
- map (wghtKg >> PatientCategory.Optics.setInclMinWeight) (wghtKg >> PatientCategory.Optics.setInclMaxWeight)
+ map
+ (wghtKg >> PatientCategory.Optics.setInclMinWeight)
+ (wghtKg >> PatientCategory.Optics.setInclMaxWeight)
+ let mapBSA =
+ map
+ (bsaM2 >> PatientCategory.Optics.setInclMinBSA)
+ (bsaM2 >> PatientCategory.Optics.setInclMaxBSA)
let mapGender s =
match s with
| _ when s = "man" -> Male
| _ when s = "vrouw" -> Female
| _ -> Undetermined
- |> PatientCategory.Optics.setGender //(Optic.set Patient.Gender_)
+ |> PatientCategory.Optics.setGender
|> Seq.map (fun dr ->
- (dr.Indication,
- PatientCategory.empty
- |> mapAge dr.Age
- |> mapWght dr.Weight
- |> mapGender dr.Gender),
- dr
+ {|
+ indication = dr.Indication
+ patientCat =
+ PatientCategory.empty
+ |> mapAge dr.Age
+ |> mapWght dr.Weight
+ |> mapBSA dr.BSA
+ |> mapGender dr.Gender
+ |}, dr
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> Seq.map (fun (k, v) ->
- patientCategory = k |> snd
- substanceDoses = v |> Seq.map snd |> getSubstanceDoses cfg
+ patientCategory = k.patientCat
+ substanceDoses =
+ v
+ |> Seq.map snd
+ |> getSubstanceDoses cfg
doseRules = drs
@@ -636,23 +685,6 @@ module GStand =
|> Array.distinct
- ///
- /// Get the DoseRules for a given GenPresProduct per
- /// indication and route.
- ///
- /// The list of GPKs
- /// The GenPresProduct
- let getDoseRules gpks (gpp: ZIndexTypes.GenPresProduct) =
- gpp.Routes
- |> Seq.collect (fun r ->
- RF.createFilter None None None None gpp.Name gpp.Shape r
- |> RF.find gpks
- |> Seq.map (fun dr -> dr.Indication, (r, dr))
- )
- |> Seq.groupBy fst
/// Get a list of TradeNames for a GenPresProduct.
let getTradeNames (gpp: ZIndexTypes.GenPresProduct) =
@@ -668,11 +700,12 @@ module GStand =
let mergeDosages d ds =
+ let rules =
+ d.Rules
+ |> Seq.append (ds |> Seq.collect (fun d -> d.Rules))
+ |> Seq.distinct
let merge d1 d2 =
- printfn "merging d1: %s" (d1 |> Dosage.toString false)
- printfn "merging d2: %s" (d2 |> Dosage.toString false)
// merge name
|> (fun d ->
@@ -717,24 +750,24 @@ module GStand =
|> (fun d ->
// only merge frequencies for same total dose
// ToDo use ValueUnit eqs function
- if d1 |> (Optic.get Dosage.TotalDosage_) = (d2 |> Optic.get Dosage.TotalDosage_)
- || d1 |> (Optic.get Dosage.TotalDosage_) |> fst = DoseRange.empty
- || d2 |> (Optic.get Dosage.TotalDosage_) |> fst = DoseRange.empty then
+ let td1 = d1 |> Optic.get Dosage.TotalDosage_ |> fst
+ let td2 = d2 |> Optic.get Dosage.TotalDosage_ |> fst
+ if td1 = td2
+ || td1 = DoseRange.empty
+ || td2 = DoseRange.empty then
+ let d =
+ if td1 = DoseRange.empty then
+ d2.TotalDosage
+ else
+ d1.TotalDosage
+ |> (fun td -> d |> (Optic.set Dosage.TotalDosage_ td))
|> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyValues
|> List.append (d2 |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyValues)
|> (fun vs -> d |> Dosage.Optics.setFrequencyValues vs)
- // merge Total dose
- |> (fun d ->
- if d.TotalDosage |> fst = DoseRange.empty then
- if d1.TotalDosage |> fst = DoseRange.empty then
- d2.TotalDosage
- else
- d1.TotalDosage
- |> (fun x -> d |> (Optic.set Dosage.TotalDosage_ x))
- else
- d
- )
+ // merged Total dose
else if d1 |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyValues = [ 1N ] then
@@ -768,10 +801,7 @@ module GStand =
|> (fun d ->
|> Dosage.Optics.setFrequencyTimeUnit (d1 |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyTimeUnit)
- )
- |> (fun d ->
- printfn "dosage is now: %s" (d |> Dosage.toString false)
- d
+ |> Dosage.Optics.setRules (rules |> Seq.toList)
match ds |> Seq.toList with
@@ -779,11 +809,111 @@ module GStand =
| _ -> ds |> Seq.append (seq { yield d })
+ ///
+ /// Group the GenPresProducts by indications, routes, shape and products and
+ /// add the patients and dosages.
+ ///
+ /// The route
+ /// Age in Months
+ /// Weight in Kg
+ /// Body Surface Area in mˆ2
+ /// Optional GPK
+ /// The CreateConfig
+ /// The GenPresProducts
+ ///
+ /// The grouped GenPresProducts.
+ ///
+ let groupGenPresProducts rte age wght bsa gpk cfg gpps =
+ gpps
+ |> Seq.collect (fun (gpp: ZIndexTypes.GenPresProduct) ->
+ gpp.Routes
+ |> Seq.filter (fun r ->
+ rte |> String.isNullOrWhiteSpace
+ || r |> String.equalsCapInsens rte
+ )
+ |> Seq.collect (fun rte ->
+ RF.createFilter age wght bsa gpk gpp.Name gpp.Shape rte
+ |> RF.find cfg.GPKs
+ |> getPatients cfg
+ |> Seq.sortBy (fun pats ->
+ pats.patientCategory.Age.Min,
+ pats.patientCategory.Weight.Min,
+ pats.patientCategory.BSA.Min
+ )
+ |> Seq.collect (fun pats ->
+ let gps =
+ pats.doseRules
+ |> Seq.collect (fun dr ->
+ dr.GenericProduct
+ |> Seq.map (fun gp -> gp.Id, gp.Name)
+ )
+ let tps =
+ pats.doseRules
+ |> Seq.collect (fun dr ->
+ dr.TradeProduct
+ |> Seq.map (fun tp -> tp.Id, tp.Name)
+ )
+ pats.substanceDoses
+ |> Seq.map (fun dsg ->
+ {|
+ indications = dsg.indications
+ route = rte
+ shape = gpp.Shape
+ genericProducts = gps
+ tradeProducts = tps
+ patientCategory = pats.patientCategory
+ dosage = dsg.dosage
+ |}
+ //dsg.indications, (rte, (gpp.Shape, gps, tps, pats.patientCategory, dsg.Dosage))
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ |> Seq.groupBy (fun r -> r.indications) // group by indications
+ |> Seq.map (fun (inds, v) ->
+ {|
+ indications = inds
+ routes =
+ v
+ |> Seq.groupBy (fun r -> r.route) // group by route
+ |> Seq.map (fun (rte, v) ->
+ {|
+ route = rte
+ shapeAndProducts =
+ v
+// |> Seq.map (fun (shp, gps, tps, pat, sds) -> shp, gps, tps, pat, sds)
+// |> Seq.groupBy (fun (shp, gps, tps, _, _) -> (shp, gps, tps)) // group by shape and products
+ |> Seq.groupBy (fun r -> r.shape, r.genericProducts, r.tradeProducts)
+ |> Seq.sortBy (fst >> (fun (shp, _, _) -> shp))
+ |> Seq.map (fun ((shp, gps, tps), v) ->
+ {|
+ shape = shp
+ genericProducts = gps
+ tradeProducts = tps
+ patients =
+ v
+ |> Seq.groupBy (fun r -> r.patientCategory)
+ |> Seq.map (fun (k, v) ->
+ k,
+ v |> Seq.map (fun r -> r.dosage)
+ )
+// |> Seq.map (fun (_, _, _, pat, sds) -> pat, sds)
+// |> groupByFst // group by patient
+ |}
+ )
+ |}
+ )
+ |}
+ )
/// Add indications, routes, shape, patient and dosages to
- /// a starting `DosageRules` record.
+ /// a starting GStand DoseRule.
- /// The starting `DosageRules` record
+ /// The starting Gstand DoseRule record
/// The indications, routes, shape, patient and dosages
let addIndicationsRoutesShapePatientDosages
@@ -854,8 +984,9 @@ module GStand =
| ns ->
match ns
|> List.filter (fun d ->
- d |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyTimeUnit = (sd
- |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyTimeUnit)
+ d |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyTimeUnit =
+ (sd
+ |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyTimeUnit)
|| sd |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyValues = []
@@ -883,89 +1014,6 @@ module GStand =
- ///
- /// Group the GenPresProducts by indications, routes, shape and products and
- /// add the patients and dosages.
- ///
- /// The route
- /// Age in Months
- /// Weight in Kg
- /// Body Surface Area in mˆ2
- /// Optional GPK
- /// The CreateConfig
- /// The GenPresProducts
- ///
- /// The grouped GenPresProducts.
- ///
- let groupGenPresProducts rte age wght bsa gpk cfg gpps =
- gpps
- |> Seq.collect (fun (gpp: ZIndexTypes.GenPresProduct) ->
- //printfn $"{gpp.Name}: routes{gpp.Routes}"
- gpp.Routes
- |> Seq.filter (fun r ->
- rte |> String.isNullOrWhiteSpace
- || r |> String.equalsCapInsens rte
- )
- |> Seq.collect (fun rte ->
- RF.createFilter age wght bsa gpk gpp.Name gpp.Shape rte
- |> RF.find cfg.GPKs
- |> getPatients cfg
- |> Seq.sortBy (fun pats -> pats.patientCategory.Age.Min, pats.patientCategory.Weight.Min)
- |> Seq.collect (fun pats ->
- let gps =
- pats.doseRules
- |> Seq.collect (fun dr ->
- dr.GenericProduct
- |> Seq.map (fun gp -> gp.Id, gp.Name)
- )
- let tps =
- pats.doseRules
- |> Seq.collect (fun dr ->
- dr.TradeProduct
- |> Seq.map (fun tp -> tp.Id, tp.Name)
- )
- pats.substanceDoses
- |> Seq.map (fun dsg ->
- dsg.indications, (rte, (gpp.Shape, gps, tps, pats.patientCategory, dsg.Dosage))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- |> groupByFst // group by indications
- |> Seq.map (fun (k, v) ->
- {|
- indications = k
- routes =
- v
- |> groupByFst // group by route
- |> Seq.map (fun (k, v) ->
- {|
- route = k
- shapeAndProducts =
- v
- |> Seq.map (fun (shp, gps, tps, pat, sds) -> shp, gps, tps, pat, sds)
- |> Seq.groupBy (fun (shp, gps, tps, _, _) -> (shp, gps, tps)) // group by shape and products
- |> Seq.sortBy (fst >> (fun (shp, _, _) -> shp))
- |> Seq.map (fun ((shp, gps, tps), v) ->
- {|
- shape = shp
- genericProducts = gps
- tradeProducts = tps
- patients =
- v
- |> Seq.map (fun (_, _, _, pat, sds) -> pat, sds)
- |> groupByFst // group by patient
- |}
- )
- |}
- )
- |}
- )
/// Fold the GenPresProducts to a single DoseRule.
diff --git a/src/Informedica.ZForm.Lib/Scripts/GStand.fsx b/src/Informedica.ZForm.Lib/Scripts/GStand.fsx
index 2b706ab..89b0d54 100644
--- a/src/Informedica.ZForm.Lib/Scripts/GStand.fsx
+++ b/src/Informedica.ZForm.Lib/Scripts/GStand.fsx
@@ -335,7 +335,6 @@ module GStand =
| None ->
match x1, x2 with
| Some x1_, Some x2_ ->
- // printfn "calculating %A %A = %A" x1_ x2_ (x1_ |> op <| x2_)
(x1_ |> op <| x2_) |> Some
| _ -> y
@@ -519,9 +518,8 @@ module GStand =
|> Dosage.Optics.setName n
|> Dosage.Optics.setRules (
- if dsr.doserules |> List.isEmpty then printfn "EMPTY DOSERULES"
- //
- printfn $"setting rules for dosage: {dsr.doserules |> List.map DR.toString2}"
+ if dsr.doserules |> List.isEmpty then
+ printfn $"EMPTY DOSERULES: {n}"
|> List.map (DR.toString2 >> GStandRule)
@@ -714,9 +712,6 @@ module GStand =
|> Seq.distinct
let merge d1 d2 =
- printfn "merging d1: %s" (d1 |> Dosage.toString false)
- printfn "merging d2: %s" (d2 |> Dosage.toString false)
// merge name
|> (fun d ->
@@ -763,8 +758,7 @@ module GStand =
// ToDo use ValueUnit eqs function
let td1 = d1 |> Optic.get Dosage.TotalDosage_ |> fst
let td2 = d2 |> Optic.get Dosage.TotalDosage_ |> fst
- printfn
- $"comparing {td1 |> DoseRange.toString None} = {td2 |> DoseRange.toString None} = {td1 = td2}"
if td1 = td2
|| td1 = DoseRange.empty
|| td2 = DoseRange.empty then
@@ -815,10 +809,6 @@ module GStand =
|> Dosage.Optics.setFrequencyTimeUnit (d1 |> Dosage.Optics.getFrequencyTimeUnit)
|> Dosage.Optics.setRules (rules |> Seq.toList)
- |> (fun d ->
- printfn $"dosage merged: {d |> Dosage.toString false}"
- d
- )
match ds |> Seq.toList with
| [ d1 ] -> seq { merge d1 d }
@@ -842,7 +832,6 @@ module GStand =
let groupGenPresProducts rte age wght bsa gpk cfg gpps =
|> Seq.collect (fun (gpp: ZIndexTypes.GenPresProduct) ->
- //printfn $"{gpp.Name}: routes{gpp.Routes}"
|> Seq.filter (fun r ->
rte |> String.isNullOrWhiteSpace
@@ -874,7 +863,6 @@ module GStand =
|> Seq.map (fun dsg ->
- printfn $"{dsg.dosage.Rules |> Seq.length} rules"
indications = dsg.indications
route = rte
@@ -1114,7 +1102,7 @@ let dr =
- "abacavir"
+ "paracetamol"
|> Seq.head