OpenBUGS code and R functions to implement the Bayesian hierarchical model for leveraging animal data in phase I oncology trials, involving potentially heterogeneous patient subgroups.
Files contained in this repository can be used to reproduce the numerical results reported in the paper entitled
H. Zheng., L.V. Hampson., T. Jaki. Bridging across patient subgroups in phase I oncology trials that incorporate animal data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. 2021;30(4):1057-1071.
The file "a2hEXNEX.txt" is the model specification for the proposed methodology to be implemented through OpenBUGS, while the file "a2hEXNEX.R" has R functions calling the OpenBUGS model in R through the R2OpenBUGS package.
Numerical results reported in Sections 3 and 4 of the paper as well as those in the Supplementary Materials can be reproduced, given the same specification of priors and same set of hypothetical animal data.