A Fullstack Spotify Clone made using React, Next.js, Typescript, PostgreSQL, TailwindCSS and Supabase.
- π οΈ Complete app built from scratch in Next.js 14
- π³ Account Page.
- ποΈ Users can add songs.
- π Favourite Songs Functionality.
- π Authentication using supabase.
- π Fetch songs, products through subapase.
- π Clean, modern UI using TailwincCSS.
- β Advanced Sound Player.
- β Fully mobile responsive.
- β Stripe Integration.
- β Subscription Functionality.
Note: I commented out the code where premium functionality would work. So, only premium users could play all the songs. Now, normal users can also play different musics without subscription. Also change the name of env.txt to .env.local
To get started with this project, run
git clone https://github.com/haider-sama/Spotify-Clone.git
Install dependencies
npm install
environment variables
change the name of env.txt to .env.local
You also need to set-up your supabase tables and storage. If you read the code, you will understand what tables to create and what storage buckets you have to create to start up with the app.