Lung segmentation for Pytorch Using U-Net and ResNet.
Use Python 3 for this library. Install pytorch and other env requirements using Anaconda. After this, install pip packages.
conda install --file conda_requirements.txt
pip install -r pip_requirements.txt -e .
For Lung Segmentation you can use the Montgomery Dataset, for bone shadow removal you can use the JSRT dataset. Download them to a place on your disk and unzip them.
For U-Net16 (the best performer) training:
cd lung_segmentation
python -p /path/to/montgomery/ -m unet16 -b 32 -e 100
For U-Net16 testing on Montgomery
cd lung_segmentation
python /path/to/montgomery -m unet16 -t png -r unet16_100.pth
For U-Net16 testing on CXR14
cd lung_segmentation
python /path/to/cxr14/images -m unet16 -t png -r unet16_100.pth --non-montgomery
For Bone Shadow Elimination (BSE) training:
cd lung_segmentation
python --jsrt-path /path/to/jsrt/images --bse-path /path/to/jsrt/bone_shadow_eliminated -e 100 -m unet16
For BSE testing on CXR14
cd lung_segmentation
python -m unet16 -r unet16_bse_100.pth /path/to/cxr14/images
Utilizing a pretrained U-Net performs best at segmentation, although it is limited to cases where there is no major opacification of the lungs or where there is no implanted medical device. It is likely that the reason the classifier can't make this determination is because the datasets used are so small.
BSE doesn't actually seem to work on non-JSRT datasets. We ran experiment on CXR14 and it failed in every single case to remove bone shadow. It is likely that this is due to the manner in which the JSRT images were resolved. Future work can include finding ways to normalize JSRT so that it is congruent with CXR14 and other CXR datasets.
Credit is equally shared with Sam Truong on coding this up.