Elecration # 1.8 - 0.0.3
Elecration : 0.0.3 Patch
SVC (Server Control Command)
Avaiable SVC arguments
create-world-backup: Create world backup
lmt-animal&monster&ambient&wateranimal: Limit selected entity
pvp&flight: Allow or deny flight&Pvp
reload motd: Reload your server motd.
Other updates, bug fixes and new problems
B mean is Bad, G mean is good.
G: Default and colorized motd system
G: Discord webhook messenger
G: Fixed elecration.yml loader bug.
B: ArfiactID Change caused ignored pom.xml error.
B: Using .java
Elecration Configuration File
You can turn protections on or off, edit messages, and make the appropriate settings directly from here;
# Elecration, All rights reserved.
config-version: 0
mxr$elecration: true
- ''
- '§8- §a/Pcc refresh-all §7: Refresh all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable-all §7: Disable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable-all §7: Enable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable <plugin> §7: Disable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable <plugin> §7: Enable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc unload <plugin> §7: Unload selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc load <plugin> §7: Load selected plugin in your server.'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §a/Op give <password> <player> §7: Give op a selected player.'
- '§8- §a/Op take <password> <player> §7: Take op a selected player.'
- '§8- §a/Op list §7: Show all operators.'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §a/Svc reload motd §7: Refresh server motd.'
- '§8- §a/Svc pvp deny/allow §7: Enable or disable pvp.'
- '§8- §a/Svc flight deny/allow §7: Enable or disable pvp.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-ambient §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-monster §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-animal §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-wateranimal §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc create-world-backup <world-name> §7: Create world backup (Copy)'
- ''
no-permission: §cYou dont have a enough permission...
wrong-password: §cWrong password...
unknow: §7Player %s has not played before or player name is null.
gived: '§cWarning: §7Player %s is operator...'
tooked: '§cWarning: §7Player %s is not operator...'
usage: '§cUsage: §7/Op give|take <player>'
title: '§a§lOperators:'
must-be-int: §7Cant understand, must be §c(0-9/INTEGER)
unknow-value: §7Cant understand, must be §c(%s)
motd-changed: §7Server motd just changed
allow: '§7Players can fight (PCF): Allow'
deny: '§7Players can fight (PCF): Deny'
allow: '§7Players can flight (PCFLY): Allow'
deny: '§7Players can flight (PCFLY): Deny'
world-not-found: §7Cant found world with selected name.
backup-done: '§2§lBACKUP DONE ! (COPIED) §a(World: %s)'
backup-name: '§7Backup folder name is: §a(%s)'
spawn-limit-changed: '§7Limit: §e(%s) §f- §bType: (%s) §f- §cWorld: (%s)'
use-operator-password-security: true
use-motd: true
use-discord: true
token: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1010134066357600316/Tsn48ucRV46FPzjA4TKVzLy3LkbI-Oo4him2sCoZlS5lADUkwwjJ54ubC1qk7vva5w_4
password: 73GlPZH
- §9§lELECRATION §8- §7Like electron §8- §fMixeration<line>§fElecration Spigot 1.8.8 Modernized Fork