Releases: hacimertgokhan/Elecration
Elecration # 1.8 - 0.0.7
Elecration : 0.0.7 Patch
Other updates, bug fixes and new problems
B mean is Bad, G mean is good.
G: Fixed Unsaved Config Loader
Elecration # 1.8 - 0.0.6
Elecration : 0.0.6 Patch
DC (Discord Control Command)
Avaiable DCC arguments
message <message>: Send message to discord from minecraft
Other updates, bug fixes and new problems
B mean is Bad, G mean is good.
G: Fixed Motd Space Error
G: Minecraft To Discord Messenger
G: Added JDA Api, Now you can create discord bot with elecration
Elecration Configuration File
You can turn protections on or off, edit messages, and make the appropriate settings directly from here;
# Elecration, All rights reserved.
config-version: 0
mxr$elecration: true
- ''
- '§8- §a/Pcc refresh-all §7: Refresh all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable-all §7: Disable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable-all §7: Enable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable <plugin> §7: Disable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable <plugin> §7: Enable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc unload <plugin> §7: Unload selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc load <plugin> §7: Load selected plugin in your server.'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §a/Op give <password> <player> §7: Give op a selected player.'
- '§8- §a/Op take <password> <player> §7: Take op a selected player.'
- '§8- §a/Op list §7: Show all operators.'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §a/Svc reload motd §7: Refresh server motd.'
- '§8- §a/Svc pvp deny/allow §7: Enable or disable pvp.'
- '§8- §a/Svc flight deny/allow §7: Enable or disable pvp.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-ambient §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-monster §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-animal §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-wateranimal §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc create-world-backup <world-name> §7: Create world backup (Copy)'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §a/Discord message <your-message> §7: Send message to discord.'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §9Discord:'
- ''
user-join: <user> join the server
user-quit: <user> quit the server
no-permission: §cYou dont have a enough permission...
wrong-password: §cWrong password...
unknow: §7Player %s has not played before or player name is null.
gived: '§cWarning: §7Player %s is operator...'
tooked: '§cWarning: §7Player %s is not operator...'
usage: '§cUsage: §7/Op give|take <player>'
must-be-int: §7Cant understand, must be §c(0-9/INTEGER)
unknow-value: §7Cant understand, must be §c(%s)
motd-changed: §7Server motd just changed
allow: '§7Players can fight (PCF): Allow'
deny: '§7Players can fight (PCF): Deny'
allow: '§7Players can flight (PCFLY): Allow'
deny: '§7Players can flight (PCFLY): Deny'
world-not-found: §7Cant found world with selected name.
backup-done: '§2§lBACKUP DONE ! (COPIED) §a(World: %s)'
backup-name: '§7Backup folder name is: §a(%s)'
spawn-limit-changed: '§7Limit: §e(%s) §f- §bType: (%s) §f- §cWorld: (%s)'
use-operator-password-security: true
use-motd: true
use-discord: true
token: your-bot-token
status: Elecration
password: X3GCXTN
- '§b§lElecration §8- §fLike electron §8- §bOnline player: &9<online><line> §fElecration
Spigot 1.8.8 Modernized Fork'
guild-id: '977491416366338081'
user-quit: 'true'
user-join: 'true'
Elecration # 1.8 - 0.0.5
Elecration : 0.0.5 Patch
Other updates, bug fixes and new problems
B mean is Bad, G mean is good, P mean is planned feature.
G: Fixed PluginLoader Crash
G: Added new and modernized plugin lister.
G: First Elecration website template published.
P: Basic addon system for basic features. (Ex. Chat Clear)
Modernized Commands
/Plugins, /Plugin, /Pl
Elecration # 1.8 - 0.0.4
Elecration : 0.0.4 Patch
Other updates, bug fixes and new problems
B mean is Bad, G mean is good.
G: Fixed unloaded Motd
G: Fixed discord messenger connection error
G: Brand name changed
G: Server Version String
G: Backup world name+date string
Elecration # 1.8 - 0.0.3
Elecration : 0.0.3 Patch
SVC (Server Control Command)
Avaiable SVC arguments
create-world-backup: Create world backup
lmt-animal&monster&ambient&wateranimal: Limit selected entity
pvp&flight: Allow or deny flight&Pvp
reload motd: Reload your server motd.
Other updates, bug fixes and new problems
B mean is Bad, G mean is good.
G: Default and colorized motd system
G: Discord webhook messenger
G: Fixed elecration.yml loader bug.
B: ArfiactID Change caused ignored pom.xml error.
B: Using .java
Elecration Configuration File
You can turn protections on or off, edit messages, and make the appropriate settings directly from here;
# Elecration, All rights reserved.
config-version: 0
mxr$elecration: true
- ''
- '§8- §a/Pcc refresh-all §7: Refresh all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable-all §7: Disable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable-all §7: Enable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable <plugin> §7: Disable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable <plugin> §7: Enable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc unload <plugin> §7: Unload selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc load <plugin> §7: Load selected plugin in your server.'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §a/Op give <password> <player> §7: Give op a selected player.'
- '§8- §a/Op take <password> <player> §7: Take op a selected player.'
- '§8- §a/Op list §7: Show all operators.'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §a/Svc reload motd §7: Refresh server motd.'
- '§8- §a/Svc pvp deny/allow §7: Enable or disable pvp.'
- '§8- §a/Svc flight deny/allow §7: Enable or disable pvp.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-ambient §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-monster §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-animal §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc lmt-wateranimal §7: Change ambient entity limits.'
- '§8- §a/Svc create-world-backup <world-name> §7: Create world backup (Copy)'
- ''
no-permission: §cYou dont have a enough permission...
wrong-password: §cWrong password...
unknow: §7Player %s has not played before or player name is null.
gived: '§cWarning: §7Player %s is operator...'
tooked: '§cWarning: §7Player %s is not operator...'
usage: '§cUsage: §7/Op give|take <player>'
title: '§a§lOperators:'
must-be-int: §7Cant understand, must be §c(0-9/INTEGER)
unknow-value: §7Cant understand, must be §c(%s)
motd-changed: §7Server motd just changed
allow: '§7Players can fight (PCF): Allow'
deny: '§7Players can fight (PCF): Deny'
allow: '§7Players can flight (PCFLY): Allow'
deny: '§7Players can flight (PCFLY): Deny'
world-not-found: §7Cant found world with selected name.
backup-done: '§2§lBACKUP DONE ! (COPIED) §a(World: %s)'
backup-name: '§7Backup folder name is: §a(%s)'
spawn-limit-changed: '§7Limit: §e(%s) §f- §bType: (%s) §f- §cWorld: (%s)'
use-operator-password-security: true
use-motd: true
use-discord: true
password: 73GlPZH
- §9§lELECRATION §8- §7Like electron §8- §fMixeration<line>§fElecration Spigot 1.8.8 Modernized Fork
Elecration # 1.8 - 0.0.2
Elecration : 0.0.2 Patch
OPC (Operator Command)
Avaiable OPC arguments
give: OP Give argument
take : OP Take argument
list : Operator List argument
Elecration Configuration File
You can turn protections on or off, edit messages, and make the appropriate settings directly from here;
# Elecration, All rights reserved.
config-version: 0
mxr$elecration: true
- ''
- '§8- §a/Pcc refresh-all §7: Refresh all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable-all §7: Disable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable-all §7: Enable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable <plugin> §7: Disable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable <plugin> §7: Enable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc unload <plugin> §7: Unload selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc load <plugin> §7: Load selected plugin in your server.'
- ''
- ''
- '§8- §a/Op give <password> <player> §7: Give op a selected player.'
- '§8- §a/Op take <password> <player> §7: Give op a selected player.'
- '§8- §a/Op list §7: Show all operators'
- ''
no-permission: §cYou dont have a enough permission...
wrong-password: §cWrong password...
unknow: §7Player %s has not played before or player name is null.
gived: '§cWarning: §7Player %s is operator...'
tooked: '§cWarning: §7Player %s is not operator...'
usage: '§cUsage: §7/Op give/take <player>'
use-operator-password-security: true
password: zaPjl
Elecration # 1.8 - 0.0.1
Elecration : 0.0.1 Patch
PCC (Plugin Control Command)
Avaiable PCC arguments
refresh-all : Reload all plugin in your server
disable-all : Disable all plugin in your server
enable-all : Disable all plugin in your server
enable <plugin> : Enable selected plugin
disable <plugin> : Disable selected plugin
load <plugin> : Load selected plugin
unload <plugin> : Unload and disable selected plugin
Elecration Configuration File
You can turn protections on or off, edit messages, and make the appropriate settings directly from here;
# Elecration, All rights reserved.
config-version: 0
mxr$elecration: true
- ''
- '§8- §a/Pcc refresh-all §7: Refresh all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable-all §7: Disable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable-all §7: Enable all plugins in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc disable <plugin> §7: Disable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc enable <plugin> §7: Enable selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc unload <plugin> §7: Unload selected plugin in your server.'
- '§8- §a/Pcc load <plugin> §7: Load selected plugin in your server.'
- ''
New API Updated
About: Fast MYSQL Connection
Connection getConnection(){}
void setConnection(Connection connection){}
boolean connect(String database, String username, int port, String host, String password);