10min Video Walkthru: https://youtu.be/6r0QeBpZpjY
You should be able to get a TAK server up and running within 15mins of starting these scripts (assuming you already have the TAK Server ZIP downloaded and stored on google drive or your local machine)
- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/atakhq/tak-server-install-scripts.git
- Move into the scripts folder that was just cloned from github, make the script files executable, and run the local install script. (linux prevents files from being executable by default for security)
cd tak-server-install-scripts/ && sudo chmod +x * && sudo ./localInstallScript.sh
Buy a VPS from somewhere online - UBUNTU 20.04LTS
SSH into the VPS as root (replace with your VPS Server IP)
ssh root@
When prompted, type 'yes' and hit enter to accept your servers ECDSA key fingerprint:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:hjgYgfUYTrfdTglkjhHNjlkhIUGYtyfrftyuGUIil. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])?
- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/atakhq/tak-server-install-scripts.git
- Move into the scripts folder that was just cloned from github, make the script files executable, and run the first script. (linux prevents files from being executable by default for security)
cd tak-server-install-scripts/ && sudo chmod +x * && ./installScript1.sh
- The first install script will now prompt you to Login as tak superuser and run the final script.
su - tak
. installScript2.sh
Download and run auto-start-tak.sh
New Installations will prompt you if you want this enabled and do it for you under a new service called "tak-server-docker"