The current fullstack project is a prototype for an urban janitory system. I've already have done a project for this business case but code grew a little bit complex and i haven't the guts to touch it again. I still aiming to refactor it but i'd rather start a project from scratch. In this approach i'm trying to provide all required features by writing the less code i can figure out.
- Mobile project
- Web project
- Api project
Citizen: People that live/work/study around the city and need to report to the city hall an irregularity that happened in the city or request a service for the public space. Probably the large majority of users have access to a smartphone device so there will need a mobile app to serve as interface for those actors. Citizens can be authenticated or annonymous and for this case a federeted identity strategy can fullfil the authetication process. Basically they will fill up a form that some fields contains pre-defined fields in order to avoid ambiquity, also they can provide images and its location can be geo localized.
Public Agent: Individuals that are employees of the city hall who provide their service to meets the city popultaion needs. The city hall provides an enough amount of computer devices to be used as a work tool so the system can be accessible for them as a web application. It's interesting to manage this type of user internally and manage it's authentication locally. Some public agents can have admin privileges. Public agents are tied to only one department. The core task for the agent is to create an action to solve a citizen call.
Admin: Admins are a special type of public agent. The can be tied to one department or not. Their tasks are to manage departments, other agent accounts (according with the tied department to admin, if tied), get some metrics like calls of a particular address(zip code, public place, district), manage the scope of services (duties) provided to the users.
class Action {
-String protocol
-DateTime creationDate
-String userReply
-String description
-PubAgent agent
-Call call
class Address {
-String zipCode
-District district
-String pubPlace
-String reference
class Call {
-Status status
-DateTime creationDate
-Citizen author
-Address address
-Dept destination
-Duty duty
-String description
-String protocol
class Category {
-String name
class Citizen {
-String name
-String email
class Dept {
-String name
class District {
-String name
class Duty {
-String name
-Category category
-Dept dept
class PubAgent {
-Boolean isAdmin
-Dept dept
-String name
-String login
-String password
class Status {
Call ..> Status
Call ..> Address
Call "1..*" --> "1" Citizen
Call "1..*" --> "1" Dept
Call "1..*" --> "1" Duty
Action "0..*" --> "1" Call
Action "0..*" --> "1" PubAgent
Address "1..*" --> "1" District
Dept "1" <-- "*" PubAgent
Duty "1..*" --> "1" Dept
Duty "1..*" --> "1" Category
- Android development platform
There are lots of work to be done