This app is more like minized version of custom google web search based on the Dataset . Support by google's
Requirements :
python 2.7
React.js ( 16.x)
This app is built with Materialize-UI on the front end and python 2.7 on the backend .
For the front-end that is Materialize-UI to work , use parcel.js to convert es6 js files to web js files. Install all of the depencies using this command.
npm i
npm run install
npm run build
First you'll need to install all the requirements that are needed to run the app.using the installation command,
pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt
After installling google-app-engine in ur system . you can run this app locally via this command ,
"C:\python_2.7\python.exe" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\google_appengine\" "./app.yaml"