Every morning my wife ask to me for the next buses to start its optimized morning run....Huuum this is a repetive task that can be automated with some lines of Powershell. We live in Paris (France) area and the bus service api requested is Transdev-idf but its easy to convert it to another city or project, for example to notify about anything...a new commit...
flowchart LR;
B[APPLICATION]-->|schedule for my bus line please| A[Transdev bus API];
A[Transdev bus API]-.->|json schedule| B[APPLICATION];
B[APPLICATION]-->|json schedule| J[JQ json parser];
J[JQ json parser]-.->|json schedule of interest| B[APPLICATION]
B[APPLICATION]-->|next bus in...minutes| V[Vocal module];
style B fill:#FFD700,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
Powershell Core 7.2.1 on Windows
jq - A command-line JSON processor
chocolatey install jq
curl 'https://api.github.com/repos/stedolan/jq/commits?per_page=5' | jq '.[] | {message: .commit.message, name: .commit.committer.name}'
A jq playground to test jq syntax: jqplay
CMD>pwsh ./r1_bus_notifier.ps1
# Register the new PowerShell scheduled task
# The name of your scheduled task.
$taskName = "Bus_R1_Notifier"
# Describe the scheduled task.
$description = "Notify #R1 bus schedule"
$taskTrigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Weekly -DaysOfWeek Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday -At "07:20AM"
$taskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction `
-Execute 'pwsh.exe' `
-Argument "-File K:\tools\bus_notifier\r1_bus_notifier.ps1" -WorkingDirectory "K:\tools\bus_notifier"
# Register the scheduled task
Register-ScheduledTask `
-TaskName $taskName `
-Action $taskAction `
-Trigger $taskTrigger `
-Description $description
To test the scheduled task, you can either wait for the next run schedule or use the command below to manually trigger.
Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName Bus_R1_Notifier
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName 'Bus_R1_Notifier' -Confirm:$false
You can find more details about the api used here
Wow, thanks to contribute to this project!
New ideas, samples, forks...are welcome.
So please just fork it, commit, push and send me a pull request to main.
See CHANGELOG for more details.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- ✔️ Make window nice
- ❌ Improve the speech
- ❌ Warn when service is unavailable.
- ❌ Detect shift in schedule from day to day and warn the user.
- ❌ Add connections to others transportation services (RER A for Paris area) to say 'connection with train x at 00h00 possible'.
Bus image comes from https://emojipedia.org/bus/
As jq for parsing Json, you can also try htmlq, a jq but for HTML. Uses CSS selectors to extract bits of content from HTML files.
You can also contribute to the continued success of the project via donation. Please click this link.