Helper class to quickly manage PostType and Taxonomy declarations
- Easily add new Post Types or update existing ones
- Easily add new Taxonomies
- Easily link Post Types to Taxonomies & vice versa
- Easily add new columns to the admin and manage them ( populate, sort, reorder )
- Easily add admin taxonomy filters
Install with composer
Run the following in your terminal to install the package with composer
composer require gturpin/post-type-handler
The package use the autoloader, so don't forget to register the autoloader. If you don't know how see the basic example below.
Below is a basic example of setting up a simple PostType.
// don't forget to import your autoloader
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use PostTypeHandler\PostType;
$post_type_handler = new PostType( 'Book' );
You can set the dashicon like that :
$post_type_handler->set_icon( 'dashicons-book' );
// Just the dashicon name also works
$post_type_handler->set_icon( 'book' );
You can add custom $options and $labels to the PostType declaration.
$labels = [
'add_new' => __( 'my add_new', 'context' ),
'all_items' => __( 'my all_items', 'context' ),
$options = [
'public' => true,
'menu_icon' => 'dashicons-admin-post',
'rewrite' => [
'slug' => 'my-post-type',
$post_type_handler = new PostType( 'Book', $options, $labels );
You can also set the taxonomies for the PostType if they are previously registered.
$post_type_handler = new PostType( 'Book' );
// add multiple taxonomies
$post_type_handler->set_taxonomies( [ 'custom-taxonomy', 'post_tag' ] );
// or add a single taxonomy
$post_type_handler->set_taxonomies( 'custom-taxonomy' );
Otherwise you can register a new Taxonomy and then even add it to the PostType declaration.
use PostTypeHandler\Taxonomy;
// Register the Taxonomy
$taxonomy_handler = new Taxonomy( 'custom-taxonomy' );
// Add it to the PostType in PostType declaration
$post_type_handler = new PostType( 'Book' );
$post_type_handler->set_taxonomies( 'custom-taxonomy' );
Or you can set the taxonomy to a Post Type that is already registered.
$taxonomy_handler = new Taxonomy( 'custom-taxonomy' );
// This is a post type slug and must be lower case!
// Also works with an array and/or variable: [ 'book', $post_type_handler ]
$taxonomy_handler->set_post_types( 'book' );
You can give the Taxonomy object itself to the PostType.
$taxonomy_handler = new Taxonomy( 'custom-taxonomy' );
$post_type_handler = new PostType( 'Book' );
// Also works with an array : [ 'post_tag', $taxonomy_handler ]
$post_type_handler->set_taxonomies( $taxonomy_handler );
You can do the same with an existing CPT, like Post :
$posts = new PostType( 'Post' );
$posts->set_taxonomies( 'custom-taxonomy' );
You can also remove a taxonomy from a Post Type.
$posts = new PostType( 'Post' );
$posts->remove_taxonomy( 'post_tag' );
I will explain some examples of how to manage the columns for a Post Type.
- Register the Post Type.
- Manipulate the columns.
- Save the changes by re-registering the Post Type.
To add new columns to a Post Type you can do the following
// Call the columns function to get access to the column manager and add a new column
$post_type_handler->columns()->add( [
'custom-slug' => __( 'Custom label', 'context' ),
'year' => __( 'Year', 'context' ),
] );
// You can also pass only one slug and label
$post_type_handler->columns()->add( 'custom-slug', 'Custom label' );
To hide a column you can do the following
// Call the columns function to get access to the column manager and hide a built-in column or a custom one
$post_type_handler->columns()->hide( [
] );
// You can also hide only one column
$post_type_handler->columns()->hide( 'year' );
You can set all columns at once By doing this you must take a look at the Manage columns hook to prevent unwanted columns
// Call the columns function to get access to the column manager and set all columns
$post_type_handler->columns()->set( [
'custom-slug' => __( 'Custom label', 'context' ),
'year' => __( 'Year', 'context' ),
] );
To populate a column you can do the following
- You can only populate one column at once
- You must display the content and not return it
- You can't use this to populate a built-in column
// Call the columns function to get access to the column manager and populate a column
$post_type_handler->columns()->populate( 'custom-slug', function( $column, $post_id ) {
echo get_the_title( $post_id );
} );
$post_type_handler->columns()->populate( 'year', function( $column, $post_id ) {
echo get_the_date( 'Y', $post_id );
} );
You can also add new columns to existing and built in post types
$posts = new PostType( 'Post' );
$posts->columns()->add( 'id' );
$posts->columns()->populate( 'id', function( $column, $post_id ) {
echo $post_id;
} );
To make a column sortable you can do the following
- You must make the column slug in key and value of the array
- The value must be the meta key to sort using
- Don't forget to populate the column before you make it sortable!
// Call the columns function to get access to the column manager and make a column sortable
$post_type_handler->columns()->sortable( [
'rating' => 'rating',
// You can add true to make the sort by numeric order
// or false to make it by alphabetical order which is the default
'year' => [ 'year', true ],
] );
You may want to order the columns, even the native ones, do the following
- Set the final position, starting from 0
- Avoid duplicate and negative positions in your array!
$post_type_handler->columns()->order( [
// Reorder the native columns
'title' => 5,
// Use large numbers to be sure that the column will be at the end
'cb' => 15,
'custom-slug' => 1,
'rating' => 3,
'author' => 8,
] );
To add taxonomy filters to the edit screen you can do the following
- Add a list of taxonomies slugs
- The order is important because the filters will be displayed that order!
$post_type_handler->set_taxonomy_filters( [
] );
Hook type | Hook name | Params | Description |
Filter | gt_post_type_{$post_type}_labels | array $labels | Custom the labels for the post type |
Filter | gt_post_type_{$post_type}_options | array $options | Custom the options for the post type |
Filter | gt_post_type_{$post_type}_check_slug_conflict | boolean $check | Check for slug conflicts. Requires DB query. |
Filter | gt_taxonomy_{$post_type}_labels | array $labels | Custom the labels for the taxonomy |
Filter | gt_taxonomy_{$post_type}_options | array $options | Custom the options for the taxonomy |
Can also add taxonomy by sending the object itself ( by the object itself, maybe with a __tostring method )Adding a way to manage ColumnsHide columns and defaults for each post typeAdding new columns to the admin screenSet columns orderSet the entire columns arrayPopulate any column with a custom functionCan sort each columns with their values ( numerically / alphabetically )
Adding a function to easily add icon without using the $options arrayAdding a way to manage the Filters on screen adminSet an array to order them and keep an order
Add a class to manage the taxonomiesAdding new Taxonomies- Can work on existing taxonomies ( post_tag & category )
Can be registered on a post type directly ( by the slug or the object itself, maybe with a __tostring method )
Can work on existing post types ( update options and labels )Add the @link/author/license to the main class- Same columns but for the taxonomies
- Can delete row actions ( edit, view, trash, delete ) from the admin screen ( 'post_row_actions' )
- Check if we can do the same for adding ones
- Check to add/remove bulk edit actions
- Check if we can add/update/remove the list above the bulk actions ( all / published etc ... )