A cross platform plugin for displaying local notifications.
- π± Supported platforms
- β¨ Features
- β Caveats and limitations
- π· Screenshots
- π Acknowledgements
- π§ Android Setup
- π§ iOS setup
- β Usage
- Initialisation
- [iOS (all supported versions) and macOS 10.14+] Requesting notification permissions
- Displaying a notification
- Scheduling a notification
- Periodically show a notification with a specified interval
- Retrieving pending notification requests
- [Android only] Retrieving active notifications
- Grouping notifications
- Cancelling/deleting a notification
- Cancelling/deleting all notifications
- Getting details on if the app was launched via a notification created by this plugin
- [iOS only] Periodic notifications showing up after reinstallation
- π Testing
- Android 4.1+. Uses the NotificationCompat APIs so it can be run older Android devices
- iOS 8.0+. On iOS versions older than 10, the plugin will use the UILocalNotification APIs. The UserNotification APIs (aka the User Notifications Framework) is used on iOS 10 or newer. Notification actions only work on iOS 10 or newer.
- macOS 10.11+. On macOS versions older than 10.14, the plugin will use the NSUserNotification APIs. The UserNotification APIs (aka the User Notifications Framework) is used on macOS 10.14 or newer. Notification actions only work on macOS 10.14 or newer
- Linux. Uses the Desktop Notifications Specification.
- Mockable (plugin and API methods aren't static)
- Display basic notifications
- Scheduling when notifications should appear
- Periodically show a notification (interval based)
- Schedule a notification to be shown daily at a specified time
- Schedule a notification to be shown weekly on a specified day and time
- Retrieve a list of pending notification requests that have been scheduled to be shown in the future
- Cancelling/removing notification by id or all of them
- Specify a custom notification sound
- Ability to handle when a user has tapped on a notification, when the app is in the foreground, background or is terminated
- Determine if an app was launched due to tapping on a notification
- [Android] Request permission to show notifications
- [Android] Configuring the importance level
- [Android] Configuring the priority
- [Android] Customising the vibration pattern for notifications
- [Android] Configure the default icon for all notifications
- [Android] Configure the icon for each notification (overrides the default when specified)
- [Android] Configure the large icon for each notification. The icon can be a drawable or a file on the device
- [Android] Formatting notification content via HTML markup
- [Android] Support for the following notification styles
- Big picture
- Big text
- Inbox
- Messaging
- Media
- While media playback control using a
is not supported, with this style you let Android treat thelargeIcon
bitmap as album artwork
- While media playback control using a
- [Android] Group notifications
- [Android] Show progress notifications
- [Android] Configure notification visibility on the lockscreen
- [Android] Ability to create and delete notification channels
- [Android] Retrieve the list of active notifications
- [Android] Full-screen intent notifications
- [Android] Start a foreground service
- [Android] Ability to check if notifications are enabled
- [iOS (all supported versions) & macOS 10.14+] Request notification permissions and customise the permissions being requested around displaying notifications
- [iOS 10 or newer and macOS 10.14 or newer] Display notifications with attachments
- [Linux] Ability to to use themed/Flutter Assets icons and sound
- [Linux] Ability to to set the category
- [Linux] Configuring the urgency
- [Linux] Configuring the timeout (depends on system implementation)
- [Linux] Ability to set custom notification location (depends on system implementation)
- [Linux] Ability to set custom hints
- [Linux] Ability to suppress sound
- [Linux] Resident and transient notifications
The cross-platform facing API exposed by the FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
class doesn't expose platform-specific methods as its goal is to provide an abstraction for all platforms. As such, platform-specific configuration is passed in as data. There are platform-specific implementations of the plugin that can be obtained by calling the resolvePlatformSpecificImplementation
. An example of using this is provided in the section on requesting permissions on iOS. In spite of this, there may still be gaps that don't cover your use case and don't make sense to add as they don't fit with the plugin's architecture or goals. Developers can fork or maintain their own code for showing notifications in these situations.
Previously, there were issues that prevented this plugin working properly with the firebase_messaging
plugin. This meant that callbacks from each plugin might not be invoked. This has been resolved since version 6.0.13 of the firebase_messaging
plugin so please make sure you are using more recent versions of the firebase_messaging
plugin and follow the steps covered in firebase_messaging
's readme file located here
Some Android OEMs have their own customised Android OS that can prevent applications from running in the background. Consequently, scheduled notifications may not work when the application is in the background on certain devices (e.g. by Xiaomi, Huawei). If you experience problems like this then this would be the reason why. As it's a restriction imposed by the OS, this is not something that can be resolved by the plugin. Some devices may have setting that lets users control which applications run in the background. The steps for these can vary but it is still up to the users of your application to do given it's a setting on the phone itself.
It has been reported that Samsung's implementation of Android has imposed a maximum of 500 alarms that can be scheduled via the Alarm Manager API and exceptions can occur when going over the limit.
There is a limit imposed by iOS where it will only keep 64 notifications that will fire the soonest.
The notification APIs used on iOS versions older than 10 (aka the UILocalNotification
APIs) have limited supported for time zones.
This plugin doesn't provide APIs for directly setting the badge count for your application. If you need this for your application, there are other plugins available, such as the flutter_app_badger
iOS and macOS restrictions apply (e.g. supported file formats).
Due to limitations currently within the macOS Flutter engine, getNotificationAppLaunchDetails
will return null on macOS versions older than 10.14. These limitations will mean that conflicts may occur when using this plugin with other notification plugins (e.g. for push notifications).
The schedule
, showDailyAtTime
and showWeeklyAtDayAndTime
methods that were implemented before macOS support was added and have been marked as deprecated aren't implemented on macOS.
Capabilities depend on the system notification server implementation, therefore, not all features listed in LinuxNotificationDetails
may be supported. One of the ways to check some capabilities is to call the LinuxFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.getCapabilities()
Scheduled/pending notifications is currently not supported due to the lack of a scheduler API.
The onDidReceiveNotificationResponse
callback runs on the main isolate of the running application and cannot be launched in the background if the application is not running. To respond to notification after the application is terminated, your application should be registered as DBus activatable (please see DBusApplicationLaunching for more information), and register action before activating the application. This is difficult to do in a plugin because plugins instantiate during application activation, so getNotificationAppLaunchDetails
can't be implemented without changing the main user application.
Due to some limitations on iOS with how it treats null values in dictionaries, a null notification payload is coalesced to an empty string behind the scenes on all platforms for consistency.
Platform | Screenshot |
Android | ![]() |
iOS | ![]() |
macOS | ![]() |
Linux | ![]() ![]() |
- Javier Lecuona for submitting the PR that added the ability to have notifications shown daily
- Jeff Scaturro for submitting the PR to fix the iOS issue around showing daily and weekly notifications and migrating the plugin to AndroidX
- Ian Cavanaugh for helping create a sample to reproduce the problem reported in issue #88
- Zhang Jing for adding 'ticker' support for Android notifications
- ...and everyone else for their contributions. They are greatly appreciated
Before proceeding, please make sure you are using the latest version of the plugin. The reason for this is that since version 3.0.1+4, the amount of setup needed has been reduced. Previously, applications needed changes done to the AndroidManifest.xml
file and there was a bit more setup needed for release builds. If for some reason, your application still needs to use an older version of the plugin then make use of the release tags to refer back to older versions of readme.
Version 10+ on the plugin now relies on desugaring to support scheduled notifications with backwards compatibility on older versions of Android. Developers will need to update their application's Gradle file at android/app/build.gradle
. Please see the link on desugaring for details but the main parts needed in this Gradle file would be
android {
defaultConfig {
multiDexEnabled true
compileOptions {
// Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true
// Sets Java compatibility to Java 8
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dependencies {
coreLibraryDesugaring 'com.android.tools:desugar_jdk_libs:1.1.5'
Note that the plugin uses Android Gradle plugin 4.2.2 to leverage this functionality so applications would also need to use that version at a minimum. For a Flutter project, this is specified in android/build.gradle
and the main parts would look similar to the following
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.2.2'
There have been reports that enabling desugaring may result in a Flutter apps crashing on foldable devices. This would be an issue with Flutter itself, not the plugin. Please see this link for details to try out the solutions there. The plugin also requires that the compileSdkVersion
in their application's Gradle file is set to 33
android {
compileSdkVersion 33
From Android 13 (API level 33) onwards, apps now have the ability to display a prompt where users can decide if they want to grant an app permission to show notifications. For further reading on this matter read https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notification-permission. To support this applications need target their application to Android 13 or higher and the compile SDK version needs to be at least 33 (Android 13). For example, to target Android 13, update your app's build.gradle
file to have a targetSdkVersion
of 33
. Applications can then call the following code to request the permission where the requestPermission
method is associated with the AndroidFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
class (i.e. the Android implementation of the plugin)
Notification icons should be added as a drawable resource. The example project/code shows how to set default icon for all notifications and how to specify one for each notification. It is possible to use launcher icon/mipmap and this by default is @mipmap/ic_launcher
in the Android manifest and can be passed AndroidInitializationSettings
constructor. However, the offical Android guidance is that you should use drawable resources. Custom notification sounds should be added as a raw resource and the sample illustrates how to play a notification with a custom sound. Refer to the following links around Android resources and notification icons.
When specifying the large icon bitmap or big picture bitmap (associated with the big picture style), bitmaps can be either a drawable resource or file on the device. This is specified via a single property (e.g. the largeIcon
property associated with the AndroidNotificationDetails
class) where a value that is an instance of the DrawableResourceAndroidBitmap
means the bitmap should be loaded from an drawable resource. If this is an instance of the FilePathAndroidBitmap
, this indicates it should be loaded from a file referred to by a given file path.
If your application needs the ability to schedule full-screen intent notifications, add the following attributes to the activity you're opening. For a Flutter application, there is typically only one activity extends from FlutterActivity
. These attributes ensure the screen turns on and shows when the device is locked.
For reference, the example app's AndroidManifest.xml
file can be found here.
Note that when a full-screen intent notification actually occurs (as opposed to a heads-up notification that the system may decide should occur), the plugin will act as though the user has tapped on a notification so handle those the same way (e.g. onDidReceiveNotificationResponse
callback) to display the appropriate page for your application.
Before creating the release build of your app (which is the default setting when building an APK or app bundle) you will need to customise your ProGuard configuration file as per this link. Rules specific to the GSON dependency being used by the plugin will need to be added. These rules can be found here. Whilst the example app has a Proguard rules (proguard-rules.pro
) here, it is recommended that developers refer to the rules on the GSON repository in case they get updated over time.
Add the following lines to the application
method in the AppDelegate.m/AppDelegate.swift file of your iOS project. See an example of this here.
if (@available(iOS 10.0, *)) {
[UNUserNotificationCenter currentNotificationCenter].delegate = (id<UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate>) self;
if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().delegate = self as? UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate
By design, iOS applications do not display notifications while the app is in the foreground unless configured to do so.
For iOS 10+, use the presentation options to control the behaviour for when a notification is triggered while the app is in the foreground. The default settings of the plugin will configure these such that a notification will be displayed when the app is in the foreground.
For older versions of iOS, you need to handle the callback as part of specifying the method that should be fired to the onDidReceiveLocalNotification
argument when creating an instance DarwinInitializationSettings
object that is passed to the function for initializing the plugin.
Here is an example:
// initialise the plugin. app_icon needs to be a added as a drawable resource to the Android head project
const AndroidInitializationSettings initializationSettingsAndroid =
final DarwinInitializationSettings initializationSettingsDarwin =
onDidReceiveLocalNotification: onDidReceiveLocalNotification);
final LinuxInitializationSettings initializationSettingsLinux =
defaultActionName: 'Open notification');
final InitializationSettings initializationSettings = InitializationSettings(
android: initializationSettingsAndroid,
iOS: initializationSettingsDarwin,
linux: initializationSettingsLinux);
onDidReceiveNotificationResponse: onDidReceiveNotificationResponse);
void onDidReceiveLocalNotification(
int id, String title, String body, String payload) async {
// display a dialog with the notification details, tap ok to go to another page
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) => CupertinoAlertDialog(
title: Text(title),
content: Text(body),
actions: [
isDefaultAction: true,
child: Text('Ok'),
onPressed: () async {
Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).pop();
await Navigator.push(
builder: (context) => SecondScreen(payload),
Before going on to copy-paste the code snippets in this section, double-check you have configured your application correctly.
If you encounter any issues please refer to the API docs and the sample code in the example
directory before opening a request on Github.
Notifications can now contain actions but note that on Apple's platforms, these only on iOS 10 or newer and macOS 10.14 or newer. On macOS and Linux (see Linux limitations chapter), these will only run on the main isolate by calling the onDidReceiveNotificationResponse
callback. On iOS and Android, these will run on the main isolate by calling the onDidReceiveNotificationResponse
callback if the configuration has specified that the app/user interface should be shown i.e. by specifying the DarwinNotificationActionOption.foreground
option on iOS and the showsUserInterface
property on Android. If they haven't, then these actions may be selected by the user when an app is sleeping or terminated and will wake up your app. However, it may not wake up the user-visible part of your App; but only the part of it which runs in the background. This is done by spawning a background isolate.
This plugin contains handlers for iOS & Android to handle these background isolate cases and will allow you to specify a Dart entry point (a function).
When the user selects a action, the plugin will start a separate Flutter Engine which will then invoke the onDidReceiveBackgroundNotificationResponse
Android and Linux do not require any configuration.
iOS will require a few steps:
Adjust AppDelegate.m
and set the plugin registrant callback:
If you're using Objective-C, add this function anywhere in AppDelegate.m:
void registerPlugins(NSObject<FlutterPluginRegistry>* registry) {
[GeneratedPluginRegistrant registerWithRegistry:registry];
then extend didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
and register the callback:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[GeneratedPluginRegistrant registerWithRegistry:self];
// Add this method
[FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin setPluginRegistrantCallback:registerPlugins];
For Swift, open the AppDelegate.swift
and update the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
as follows
where the commented code indicates the code to add in and why
override func application(
_ application: UIApplication,
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?
) -> Bool {
// This is required to make any communication available in the action isolate.
FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.setPluginRegistrantCallback { (registry) in
GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: registry)
return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
On iOS/macOS, notification actions need to be configured before the app is started using the initialize
final DarwinInitializationSettings initializationSettingsDarwin = DarwinInitializationSettings(
// ...
notificationCategories: [
const DarwinNotificationCategory(
IOSNotificationAction('id_1', 'Action 1'),
'Action 2',
options: <DarwinNotificationActionOption>{
'Action 3',
options: <DarwinNotificationActionOption>{
options: <DarwinNotificationCategoryOption>{
On iOS/macOS, the notification category will define which actions are availble. On Android and Linux, you can put the actions directly in the AndroidNotificationDetails
and LinuxNotificationDetails
You need to configure a top level or static method which will handle the action:
void notificationTapBackground(NotificationResponse notificationResponse) {
// handle action
Specify this function as a parameter in the initialize
method of this plugin:
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(
onDidReceiveNotificationResponse: (NotificationResponse notificationResponse) async {
// ...
onDidReceiveBackgroundNotificationResponse: notificationTapBackground,
Remember this function runs (except Linux) in a separate isolate! This function also requires the @pragma('vm:entry-point')
annotation to ensure that tree-shaking doesn't remove the code since it would be invoked on the native side. See here for official documentation on the annotation.
Developers should also note that whilst accessing plugins will work, on Android there is no access to the Activity
context. This means some plugins (like url_launcher
) will require additional flags to start the main Activity
Specifying actions on notifications:
The notification actions are platform specific and you have to specify them differently for each platform.
On iOS/macOS, the actions are defined on a category, please see the configuration section for details.
On Android and Linux, the actions are configured directly on the notification.
Future<void> _showNotificationWithActions() async {
const AndroidNotificationDetails androidNotificationDetails =
actions: <AndroidNotificationAction>[
AndroidNotificationAction('id_1', 'Action 1'),
AndroidNotificationAction('id_2', 'Action 2'),
AndroidNotificationAction('id_3', 'Action 3'),
const NotificationDetails notificationDetails =
NotificationDetails(android: androidNotificationDetails);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.show(
0, '...', '...', notificationDetails);
Each notification will have a internal ID & an public action title.
The example
directory has a sample application that demonstrates the features of this plugin.
Checkout the lovely API documentation generated by pub.
The first step is to create a new instance of the plugin class and then initialise it with the settings to use for each platform
FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin =
// initialise the plugin. app_icon needs to be a added as a drawable resource to the Android head project
const AndroidInitializationSettings initializationSettingsAndroid =
final DarwinInitializationSettings initializationSettingsDarwin =
onDidReceiveLocalNotification: onDidReceiveLocalNotification);
final LinuxInitializationSettings initializationSettingsLinux =
defaultActionName: 'Open notification');
final InitializationSettings initializationSettings = InitializationSettings(
android: initializationSettingsAndroid,
iOS: initializationSettingsDarwin,
macOS: initializationSettingsDarwin,
linux: initializationSettingsLinux);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(initializationSettings,
onDidReceiveNotificationResponse: onDidReceiveNotificationResponse);
Initialisation can be done in the main
function of your application or can be done within the first page shown in your app. Developers can refer to the example app that has code for the initialising within the main
function. The code above has been simplified for explaining the concepts. Here we have specified the default icon to use for notifications on Android (refer to the Android setup section) and designated the function (onDidReceiveNotificationResponse
) that should fire when a notification has been tapped on via the onDidReceiveNotificationResponse
callback. Specifying this callback is entirely optional but here it will trigger navigation to another page and display the payload associated with the notification. This callback cannot be used to handle when a notification launched an app. Use the getNotificationAppLaunchDetails
method when the app starts if you need to handle when a notification triggering the launch for an app e.g. change the home route of the app for deep-linking.
Note that all settings are nullable, because we don't want to force developers so specify settings for platforms they don't target. You will get a runtime ArgumentError Exception if you forgot to pass the settings for the platform you target.
void onDidReceiveNotificationResponse(NotificationResponse notificationResponse) async {
final String? payload = notificationResponse.payload;
if (notificationResponse.payload != null) {
debugPrint('notification payload: $payload');
await Navigator.push(
MaterialPageRoute<void>(builder: (context) => SecondScreen(payload)),
In the real world, this payload could represent the id of the item you want to display the details of. Once the initialisation is complete, then you can manage the displaying of notifications. Note that this callback is only intended to work when the app is running. For scenarios where your application needs to handle when a notification launched the app refer to here
The DarwinInitializationSettings
class provides default settings on how the notification be presented when it is triggered and the application is in the foreground on iOS/macOS. There are optional named parameters that can be modified to suit your application's purposes. Here, it is omitted and the default values for these named properties is set such that all presentation options (alert, sound, badge) are enabled.
The LinuxInitializationSettings
class requires a name for the default action that calls the onDidReceiveNotificationResponse
callback when the notification is clicked.
On iOS and macOS, initialisation may show a prompt to requires users to give the application permission to display notifications (note: permissions don't need to be requested on Android). Depending on when this happens, this may not be the ideal user experience for your application. If so, please refer to the next section on how to work around this.
For an explanation of the onDidReceiveLocalNotification
callback associated with the DarwinInitializationSettings
class, please read this.
The constructor for the DarwinInitializationSettings
class has three named parameters (requestSoundPermission
, requestBadgePermission
and requestAlertPermission
) that controls which permissions are being requested. If you want to request permissions at a later point in your application on iOS, set all of the above to false when initialising the plugin.
FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin =
const AndroidInitializationSettings initializationSettingsAndroid =
final DarwinInitializationSettings initializationSettingsDarwin =
requestSoundPermission: false,
requestBadgePermission: false,
requestAlertPermission: false,
onDidReceiveLocalNotification: onDidReceiveLocalNotification,
final MacOSInitializationSettings initializationSettingsMacOS =
requestAlertPermission: false,
requestBadgePermission: false,
requestSoundPermission: false);
final LinuxInitializationSettings initializationSettingsLinux =
defaultActionName: 'Open notification');
final InitializationSettings initializationSettings = InitializationSettings(
android: initializationSettingsAndroid,
iOS: initializationSettingsDarwin,
macOS: initializationSettingsDarwin,
linux: initializationSettingsLinux);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.initialize(initializationSettings,
onDidReceiveNotificationResponse: onDidReceiveNotificationResponse);
Then call the requestPermissions
method with desired permissions at the appropriate point in your application
For iOS:
final bool result = await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
alert: true,
badge: true,
sound: true,
For macOS:
final bool result = await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
alert: true,
badge: true,
sound: true,
Here the call to flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.resolvePlatformSpecificImplementation<IOSFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin>()
returns the iOS implementation of the plugin that contains APIs specific to iOS if the application is running on iOS. Similarly, the macOS implementation is returned by calling flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.resolvePlatformSpecificImplementation<MacOSFlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin>()
. The ?.
operator is used as the result will be null when run on other platforms. Developers may alternatively choose to guard this call by checking the platform their application is running on.
const AndroidNotificationDetails androidNotificationDetails =
AndroidNotificationDetails('your channel id', 'your channel name',
channelDescription: 'your channel description',
importance: Importance.max,
priority: Priority.high,
ticker: 'ticker');
const NotificationDetails notificationDetails =
NotificationDetails(android: androidNotificationDetails);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.show(
0, 'plain title', 'plain body', notificationDetails,
payload: 'item x');
Here, the first argument is the id of notification and is common to all methods that would result in a notification being shown. This is typically set a unique value per notification as using the same id multiple times would result in a notification being updated/overwritten.
The details specific to the Android platform are also specified. This includes the channel details that is required for Android 8.0+. Whilst not shown, it's possible to specify details for iOS and macOS as well using the optional iOS
and macOS
named parameters if needed. The payload has been specified ('item x'), that will passed back through your application when the user has tapped on a notification. Note that for Android devices that notifications will only in appear in the tray and won't appear as a toast aka heads-up notification unless things like the priority/importance has been set appropriately. Refer to the Android docs (https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/notifiers/notifications.html#Heads-up) for additional information. The "ticker" text is passed here is optional and specific to Android. This allows for text to be shown in the status bar on older versions of Android when the notification is shown.
Starting in version 2.0 of the plugin, scheduling notifications now requires developers to specify a date and time relative to a specific time zone. This is to solve issues with daylight saving time that existed in the schedule
method that is now deprecated. A new zonedSchedule
method is provided that expects an instance TZDateTime
class provided by the timezone
package. Even though the timezone
package is be a transitive dependency via this plugin, it is recommended based on this lint rule that you also add the timezone
package as a direct dependency.
Once the depdendency as been added, usage of the timezone
package requires initialisation that is covered in the package's readme. For convenience the following are code snippets used by the example app.
Import the timezone
import 'package:timezone/data/latest_all.dart' as tz;
import 'package:timezone/timezone.dart' as tz;
Initialise the time zone database
Once the time zone database has been initialised, developers may optionally want to set a default local location/time zone
The timezone
package doesn't provide a way to obtain the current time zone on the device so developers will need to use platform channels or use other packages that may be able to provide the information. The example app uses the flutter_native_timezone
Assuming the local location has been set, the zonedSchedule
method can then be called in a manner similar to the following code
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.zonedSchedule(
'scheduled title',
'scheduled body',
tz.TZDateTime.now(tz.local).add(const Duration(seconds: 5)),
const NotificationDetails(
android: AndroidNotificationDetails(
'your channel id', 'your channel name',
channelDescription: 'your channel description')),
androidAllowWhileIdle: true,
On Android, the androidAllowWhileIdle
is used to determine if the notification should be delivered at the specified time even when the device in a low-power idle mode.
The uiLocalNotificationDateInterpretation
is required as on iOS versions older than 10 as time zone support is limited. This means it's not possible schedule a notification for another time zone and have iOS adjust the time the notification will appear when daylight saving time happens. With this parameter, it is used to determine if the scheduled date should be interpreted as absolute time or wall clock time.
There is an optional matchDateTimeComponents
parameter that can be used to schedule a notification to appear on a daily or weekly basis by telling the plugin to match on the time or a combination of day of the week and time respectively.
If you are trying to update your code so it doesn't use the deprecated methods for showing daily or weekly notifications that occur on a specific day of the week then you'll need to perform calculations that would determine the next instance of a date that meets the conditions for your application. See the example application that shows one of the ways that can be done e.g. how schedule a weekly notification to occur on Monday 10:00AM.
const AndroidNotificationDetails androidNotificationDetails =
'repeating channel id', 'repeating channel name',
channelDescription: 'repeating description');
const NotificationDetails notificationDetails =
NotificationDetails(android: androidNotificationDetails);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.periodicallyShow(0, 'repeating title',
'repeating body', RepeatInterval.everyMinute, notificationDetails,
androidAllowWhileIdle: true);
final List<PendingNotificationRequest> pendingNotificationRequests =
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.pendingNotificationRequests();
final List<ActiveNotification> activeNotifications =
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
For iOS, you can specify threadIdentifier
in IOSNotificationDetails
. Notifications with the same threadIdentifier
will get grouped together automatically.
const IOSNotificationDetails iOSPlatformChannelSpecifics =
IOSNotificationDetails(threadIdentifier: 'thread_id');
This is a "translation" of the sample available at https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/group.html
const String groupKey = 'com.android.example.WORK_EMAIL';
const String groupChannelId = 'grouped channel id';
const String groupChannelName = 'grouped channel name';
const String groupChannelDescription = 'grouped channel description';
// example based on https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/group.html
const AndroidNotificationDetails firstNotificationAndroidSpecifics =
AndroidNotificationDetails(groupChannelId, groupChannelName,
channelDescription: groupChannelDescription,
importance: Importance.max,
priority: Priority.high,
groupKey: groupKey);
const NotificationDetails firstNotificationPlatformSpecifics =
NotificationDetails(android: firstNotificationAndroidSpecifics);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.show(1, 'Alex Faarborg',
'You will not believe...', firstNotificationPlatformSpecifics);
const AndroidNotificationDetails secondNotificationAndroidSpecifics =
AndroidNotificationDetails(groupChannelId, groupChannelName,
channelDescription: groupChannelDescription,
importance: Importance.max,
priority: Priority.high,
groupKey: groupKey);
const NotificationDetails secondNotificationPlatformSpecifics =
NotificationDetails(android: secondNotificationAndroidSpecifics);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.show(
'Jeff Chang',
'Please join us to celebrate the...',
// Create the summary notification to support older devices that pre-date
/// Android 7.0 (API level 24).
/// Recommended to create this regardless as the behaviour may vary as
/// mentioned in https://developer.android.com/training/notify-user/group
const List<String> lines = <String>[
'Alex Faarborg Check this out',
'Jeff Chang Launch Party'
const InboxStyleInformation inboxStyleInformation = InboxStyleInformation(
contentTitle: '2 messages',
summaryText: 'janedoe@example.com');
const AndroidNotificationDetails androidNotificationDetails =
AndroidNotificationDetails(groupChannelId, groupChannelName,
channelDescription: groupChannelDescription,
styleInformation: inboxStyleInformation,
groupKey: groupKey,
setAsGroupSummary: true);
const NotificationDetails notificationDetails =
NotificationDetails(android: androidNotificationDetails);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.show(
3, 'Attention', 'Two messages', notificationDetails);
// cancel the notification with id value of zero
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.cancel(0);
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.cancelAll();
final NotificationAppLaunchDetails notificationAppLaunchDetails =
await flutterLocalNotificationsPlugin.getNotificationAppLaunchDetails();
If you have set notifications to be shown periodically on older iOS versions (< 10) and the application was uninstalled without cancelling all alarms, then the next time it's installed you may see the "old" notifications being fired. If this is not the desired behaviour then you can add code similar to the following to the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
method of your AppDelegate
if(![[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]objectForKey:@"Notification"]){
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] cancelAllLocalNotifications];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]setBool:YES forKey:@"Notification"];
if(!UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "Notification")) {
UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "Notification")
As the plugin class is not static, it is possible to mock and verify its behaviour when writing tests as part of your application. Check the source code for a sample test suite that has been kindly implemented (test/flutter_local_notifications_test.dart) that demonstrates how this can be done.
If you decide to use the plugin class directly as part of your tests, the methods will be mostly no-op and methods that return data will return default values.
Part of this is because the plugin detects if you're running on a supported plugin to determine which platform implementation of the plugin should be used. If the platform isn't supported, it will default to the aforementioned behaviour to reduce friction when writing tests. If this not desired then consider using mocks.
If a platform-specific implementation of the plugin is required for your tests, use the debugDefaultTargetPlatformOverride property provided by the Flutter framework.