The DVEP project is designed to facilitate data visualization, exploratory analysis, and reporting using R. This repository is structured to ensure clarity, scalability, and reproducibility in data analysis workflows.
Gustavo Santos Paiva Laender Moura
🚀 GitHub Pages URL:
Ensure you have the following software and packages installed:
- R (version 4.0 or later)
- RStudio (optional, recommended for an enhanced coding environment)
- Required R packages:
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "readxl", "lubridate", "stringr", "purrr", "gt", "jmv", "skimr"))
PID 1958
Data Exports, Reports, and Stats
Choose "Export Data" from option "A - All data (all records and fields)"
Export format: CSV (raw data)
De-identification options: "Remove all identifier fields" YES
Additional export options: "Export survey identifier field and survey timestamp field(s)?" YES
Advanced data formatting options
- "Export gray Form Status fields with blank value"
- comma as default separator
- Use period/full stop (.) as decimal
Export file to "~Data Science/PROJECTS/DVEP"
Rename file to "data_dvep.csv" Note: resulting file must have 780 variables (last variable on column ACZ: "anexos_complete")
- codebook_dvep.xlsx: Codebook for REDCap DVEP Project
- codebook_structure.csv: Data structure for DVEP project
- codebook_ncit.csv Operational Support - NCIT coding
- codebook_bia.xlsx Codebook for BIA data
- data_dvep.csv Full data from REDCap DVEP Project.
- data_bia_D1.csv BIA data for the first visit for all participants. Contains BIA data from the first visit only. Contains BIA data from participants who did not complete the intervention.
- data_bia_D3.csv BIA data for participants that completed the intervention. Contains BIA data from both the first and third visits.