A video labeling tool using SiamMask tracker, and it can create VOC and YOLO format file.
Originally, SiamMask is a single object tracking framework. However, it is necessary to label multiple bounding boxes at the same time. Therefore, I expand the SiamMask to multi-object tracking.
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/gsdndeer/Video-Bounding-Box-Labeling-Tool.git
Environment setup, following SiamMask
Download the SiamMask model
Put the video under /Video-Bounding-Box-Labeling-Tool-master/data/, and run
python video_to_image.py
to produce images. -
python labelling.py
cd $SiamMask/experiments/siammask_sharp
python ../../tools/labelling.py --resume SiamMask_DAVIS.pth --config config_davis.json --base_path ../../data/foldername
- If you want to add new tracker, press