Releases: gruppler/PTN-Ninja
Releases · gruppler/PTN-Ninja
- New layout
- Switch to Material Design Light
- New color scheme for board and PTN syntax highlighting
- 3D mode (experimental)
- Configurable board with separate Edit/Play Mode configurations
- Option to disable board animation
- Unplayed pieces
- Player flat counts
- Current move PTN
- Adjustable playback speed
- Interactive TPS editing and highlighting
- Trim to current ply (automatic TPS)
- Clicking on an error message moves the caret appropriately
- Access to Help/Readme
- Hotkeys for board toggles
- Automatic move numbering
- Distinguish between current ply "done" vs "not-yet-done"
- Click the current ply to toggle it
- Delay road connector fade-in animation
- Don't show !? evaluation marks as messages
- Don't warn about long URLs
- Allow message text to wrap
- Remove (now redundant) Share menu
- Store original PTN in sessionStorage (for revert)
- Editing stability and performance improvements
- Lower board contrast
- Use border instead of shadows for screen widths <= 1024px
- Maximize screen usage for board
- Move immovable captive indicators to right of stack
- Dim row/col labels in Edit Mode
- Make FAB touchscreen friendly
- Bug fix for road visualization weirdness
- Visual bug fixes and refinements