Setup an HTTPS reverse proxy server on your desktop to expose static and dynamic sites. Requires SSL certificates. No Code, just config!
I was frustrated with the available options, and didn't want to use NGINX locally. I wanted one that was node based, but used a config file, and allowed me to customize. This is the result. It's been working on my desktop (with 10 domains) since 2019.
- You have various local servers running on different ports, and you want to provide HTTPS access to them without having to expose the ports.
- You also have various static content that you want to serve using different virtual paths.
- You have one or more domain names to use:
- Some are dynamic, and have their own projects.
- Some are simply static sites, which just need to server files (no need for separate projects)
- You want to be able to control access to some sites based on ip addresses
- You want to allow certain paths regardless of access control (e.g., domain ownership checks)
npm install "grel-reverse-proxy"
git clone ""
// proxy-config.js
// For more examples, see 'sample-config.js' below and in module source
module.exports = {
certRoot: "~/my-certs",
staticRoot: "~/static-www-sites", // referenced by "$" below
domains: {
"": {
staticFolder: "$/sub-domain",
home: "/index.html", // from root of static folder
const revProxyServer = require('grel-reverse-proxy');
let configOptions; // if undefined, will use "proxy-config.js" in cwd
revProxyServer(configOptions); // run server -- see below
Under construction. See sample-config.js for context.
Global options
name | type | default | description
verbose | bool | false | log config msgs during startup
staticHeaders | object | | applied to every response (Content-Security-Policy: true or string -- if includes {{sites}} can customize by domain)
certRoot | string | | REQUIRED. Where to find domins certs (names domain folders with .crt .ey and .ca_bundle files)
staticRoot | string | | If using static folders, the folder where static folders are placed (when using "$" & "~")
staticPorts | number | 8100 | first port for static sites
port | number | 443 |
requestIpExpiresSeconds | number | 30 | Don't log ip addr after this timeout
domains | object | | domain targets { "": {}, ... }
allowedIpAddressed | object | | { "": "name" ...} , match beginning of string
allowedUrlPaths | array | | if request url's beginning matches any of these, allow regardless of permissions (useful for domain name ownership files)
pages | object | | { "statusNNN": htmlBodyForPage, ..., "denied": "access denied" }
Domain specific options
root | string | | root folder of domain: $=staticRoot
staticFolders | array | | specific sites based on url path
staticFolder | string | | site specific root ($ = staticRoot, ~ = user)
redirects | object | | { "request-url": "mapped-url" }
proxyControl | object | | { pset: true } allows remote set,reload (careful!)
port | number | | localhost port
target | string | | url of server (using "port" = "https://localhost:port )
permissions | object | | see permissions
errors | object | | { denied: "string if ppermission denied" } (more to come)
cspSites | string | | if {{sites}} is in the CSP, replce with these
safe | bool | true | when false, enforce permissions
allowedIpAddressed | object | | site version of global option
Some configuration samples.
const allowedIpAddresses = {
// subnets
"::ffff:192.168.1.": "~Local-LAN",
"::ffff:17.": "Apple",
const allowedUrlPaths = [
module.exports = {
verbose: true, // useful for debugging config
certRoot: "", // each domain in names folder; include: domain.crt, domain.key, domain.ca_bundle (rename it)
staticRoot: "",
staticPorts: 8100, // internal: auto-assign base
port: 443, // exposed externally
requestIpExpiresSeconds: 30, // seconds
staticHeaders: {
"Content-Security-Policy": true, // use default (pass your own object to override)
domains: {
// domains redirecting to other servers
"": {
root: "$", // staticRoot
staticFolders: [
{ url0: "/urlPart", folder: "$/localFolder", index: "index.html", },
{ url0: "/files", folder: "$/downloads" },
{ url0: "/", folder: "$/local2", index: "index.html", },
proxyControl: {
pset: false, // when true, will use pset to manage proxy remotely (careful!)
"": {
staticFolder: "~/site1/dist-web", // static off staticRoot
redirects: {
"/": "/index.html", // redirect / to /index.html
"": {
target: "http://localhost:8888", // dynamic (include "://")
permissions: {
safe: false,
allowedIpAddresses: Object.assign({},allowedIpAddresses,{
errors: {
denied: "IP address not allowed.",
"": {
port: 8897,
target: "http://localhost:8897",
home: "/p/index.html", // same as redirects: { "/": "/newPath" }
"": 8877, // will use "http://localhost:8877"
pages: {
status404: `
<div style="background-color:blue;color:white;padding:5px;width:500px;">
<div style="border:1px solid #ffff00;padding:10px;">
404 - Can't fetch this!
denied: ``,