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brokenstick 2.4.0

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@stefvanbuuren stefvanbuuren released this 31 Oct 22:54
· 21 commits to master since this release

brokenstick 2.4.0

Major changes:

  1. Major update to Broken Stick Model for Irregular Longitudinal Data to sync with revision JSS manuscript version dated 30-10-2022.
  2. Hiding knots is convenient and automatic by setting the hide entry in the brokenstick object. The hide argument can also be used in print(), plot(), get_knots(), get_omega() and summary().
  3. Changes the default number of knots in brokenstick() to 5. The former default produced a solution without internal knots. The new default produces a generally more informative starting model when the user does not specify knots (using knots = c(..., ...)) or the number of knots (using k = ...).
  4. Replaces the strip_data argument in predict() by the a more intuitive include_data argument. By default, observed data are now included into the predictions, similar to predict.lm().
  5. Turns error Argument 'newdata' is required for a light brokenstick object. of brokenstick() into a warning and returns NULL.
  6. Adds new cor and lower arguments to summary.brokenstick() to tweak output.
  7. Adds documentation for S3 output functions.
  8. Adds an example to plot.brokenstick() on how to create a black and white figure of trajectories

Minor changes:

  • Adds hide field to brokenstick object
  • Adds hide arguments to coef.brokenstick(), summary.brokenstick(), plot(), get_knots() and get_omega
  • Replaces what argument of get_omega() by cor
  • Separates summary() and print() functionality
  • Updates smocc_200 and fit_200 objects
  • Updates to roxygen 7.2.1
  • Replace hard-coded variable name hgt_z by a dynamic name (#8)
  • Extends capabilities of plot_trajectory() with shape and linetype options
  • Replaces knots = 0:3 by knots = 0:2 in examples
  • Updates the perfectmodel vignette
  • Expression predict(fit_200_light, x = "knots") now produces warning message instead of crashing
  • Updates objects fit_200 and fit_200_light to use automatic boundary (2.68y) instead of 3 yrs
  • Automatically sorts any user-specified values for knots in increasing order to evade problems with predict()