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brokenstick 2.1.0

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@stefvanbuuren stefvanbuuren released this 30 Mar 19:09

Improvements suggested by Journal Stat Soft.

  • Defines an model.frame.brokenstick() function that adheres to conventions
  • Changes return values by fitted() and residuals() to vectors
  • Defines a less verbose print.brokenstick() helper
  • Make all calls to library() to character argument
  • Removes library(lme4) from code to evade changing the search path
  • Updates vignettes/bibliography.bib to title case

Other changes

  • Reorganises the vignettes
  • Renames brokenstick-article.Rmd to manual/manual.Rmd, include high-res version on the site and take out of the package to save space
  • Removes superfluous navigation from vignettes
  • Shrinks the size of brokenstick object by removing the formula list element
  • Shrinks the size of light objects by removing the sigma2j vector from the light brokenstick class