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A C++ implementation of SK-tau-ROCK methods for stochastic chemical kinetics


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SK-$\tau$-ROCK methods

The purpose of this code is to implement and test the explicit stabilized $\tau$-leap methods, called PSK-$\tau$-ROCK and SK-$\tau$-ROCK, proposed in

  • Abdulle, A., Gander, L., & Rosilho de Souza, G. Optimal explicit stabilized postprocessed $\tau$-leap method for the simulation of chemical kinetics. arXiv: math.NA/2106.09339, 2021.

Implemented $\tau$-leap methods

In addition to the SK-$\tau$-ROCK schemes, other popular $\tau$-leap methods are implemented for comparison purposes. The following methods are available:

  • the exact, up to statistical error, Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (ssa) [1],
  • the standard explicit $\tau$-leap method (tl) [2],
  • the SK-$\tau$-ROCK method with or without postprocessing (str) [3],
  • the $\tau$-ROCK method and reversed $\tau$-ROCK methods (tr and rtr) [4],
  • the implicit $\tau$-leap method with or without postprocessing (itl) [5],
  • the trapezoidal $\tau$-leap method (ttl) [6],
  • the split-step implicit $\tau$-leap method (ssitl) [7].

Problems already implemented

The following problems are already implemented in the code and can be solved by any of the above methods (see src/ProblemsList.cpp for the details):

  1. Reversible Isomerization, a simple linear scalar model problem [6],
  2. Nonlinear Reversible Reaction [4],
  3. Genetic Positive Feedback Loop [8],
  4. Michaelis-Menten,
  5. Schlogl Reaction [9],
  6. Decaying Dimerizing [2],
  7. E. Coli [10].


Prerequisites: CMake, git and a C++ compiler.

The code can be downloaded and compiled with the following commands:

git clone 
cd sk-tau-rock_methods
chmod u+x

The executable is found in the install/ directory.

Remark: the git clone step is crucial for automatic download of the required external libraries Eigen and GetPot during the ./ step.

Alternative: The code can be downloaded and compiled without the need of git. In that case, however, the configuration script will not automatically download Eigen and GetPot. Hence, the two libraries must be downloaded separately and placed in the external/eigen and external/getpot folders. Or change the CMakeLists.txt file if you already have them somewhere.

Running the code

To run the code the following options are available:

  • -prob: the example to solve, the argument n=1,2,...,7 corresponds to the number in the above list.
  • -solver: the tau-leap method to use, must be one of: ssa, tl, str, tr, rtr, itl, ttl, ssitl.
  • -mc: number of Monte Carlo samples. Choose 1 if you want to simulate only one path and save it. By default is 1.
  • -tau: the step size. When the solver is tl, tau might be reduced during integration due to stability restrictions.
  • -nout: When mc is 1 it indicates, approximately, the number of outputs.
  • -ofile: name of output file, by default is sol.
  • -pp: must be 0 or 1 to indicate if postprocessing of str or itl is activated or not. By default is 1.
  • -refsol: if given, it must correspond to a previously computed solution. The result of the new simulation will be compared the provided one.
  • -Ntol: tolerance in Newton algorithm of implicit solvers. By default it is 1e-2.
  • -s: if given, the explicit stabilized methods will not choose the number of stages automatically according to their stability constraint formula but $s$ will be fixed to the given value.
  • -s_add: add some stages to the minimum required for stability. May be necessary when the stiffness increases within one time step and the algorithm becomes unstable. By default it is 1.
  • -damping: changes the damping parameter, for tr and rtr this option is considered only when -s is given as well. By default, for str damping is 0.05, for tr and rtr it is chosen according to a formula depending on $s$.


Before running the examples, move into the install/ folder.

  • to run the Genetic Positive Feedback Loop problem, using 1e4 Monte Carlo iterations with the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm and name the output file ssa_sol, run:
 ./TauLeapMethods -prob 3 -mc 1e4 -solver ssa -ofile ssa_sol

Simulation results are found in the install/GeneticPositiveFeedbackLoop folder.

  • to run the same problem, with tau=0.05, 1e4 Monte Carlo iterations, using SK-$\tau$-ROCK with postprocessing and using 4 additional stages, naming the output file sk-tau-rock_sol and finally compare the result with the previous simulation, run:
./TauLeapMethods -prob 3 -tau 0.05 -mc 1e4 -solver str -pp 1 -s_add 4 -ofile sk-tau-rock_sol -refsol ssa_sol
  • to compute one sample of the Michaelis-Menten problem, using SK-$\tau$-ROCK without postprocessing, with tau=0.001 and 1e3 output points, naming the output file MM_str, run:
./TauLeapMethods -prob 4 -tau 0.001 -nout 1e3 -mc 1 -solver str -pp 0 -ofile MM_str

The solution can be displayed with the Plot_path.m script.


See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.


  • [1] D. T. Gillespie. Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 81(25), 1977.
  • [2] D. T. Gillespie. Approximate accelerated stochastic simulation of chemically reacting systems. Journal of Chemical Physics, 115(4), 2001.
  • [3] Abdulle, A., Gander, L., & Rosilho de Souza, G. Optimal explicit stabilized postprocessed tau-leap method for the simulation of chemical kinetics. arXiv: math.NA/2106.09339, 2021.
  • [4] A. Abdulle, Y. Hu, and T. Li. Chebyshev Methods with Discrete Noise: the τ-ROCK Methods. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 28(2), 2010.
  • [5] M. Rathinam, L. R. Petzold, Y. Cao, and D. T. Gillespie. Stiffness in stochastic chemically reacting systems: The implicit tau-leaping method. Journal of Chemical Physics, 119(24), 2003.
  • [6] Y. Cao, L. R. Petzold, M. Rathinam, and D. T. Gillespie. The numerical stability of leaping methods for stochastic simulation of chemically reacting systems. Journal of Chemical Physics, 121(24), 2004.
  • [7] C. B. Hammouda, A. Moraes, and R. Tempone. Multilevel hybrid split-step implicit tau-leap. Numerical Algorithms, 74(2), 2017.
  • [8] Y. Yang, M. Rathinam, and J. Shen. Integral tau methods for stiff stochastic chemical systems. Journal of Chemical Physics, 134(4), 2011.
  • [9] M. Rathinam, L. R. Petzold, Y. Cao, and D. T. Gillespie. Consistency and Stability of Tau-Leaping Schemes. Multiscale Model. Simul., 4(3), 2005.
  • [10] Hu, Y., Abdulle, A., & Li, T.. Boosted hybrid method for solving chemical reaction systems with multiple scales in time and population size. Communications in Computational Physics, 12(4), 2012.