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Compiler and interpreter for the Kebab programming language


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Kebab is a strongly typed primarily functional programming language that is currently under development. Here is how it looks:

; `;` for comments
; Basic syntax for the language looks like this. The parser ignores any whitespace
; and newlines so the following are both valid definitions.
def this-is-fine
= int( 2
                       3   )
def but-probably-better-like-this = int(2 + 3)

; Some basic constructors
def i = int(69 + 420)
def l1 = list((int) => [1, 2, 3])
def l2 = list((string) => ["123", "gg", "hhh"])
def add-one = fn((a : int) => int(a + 1))
def b1 = bool(1 == -2)
def b2 = bool(1 ~= -2)

; Nested statements inside constructors. The constructor returns the last expression
def nested-example = int(
  def nested = int(5)
  2 + nested

; Functions are first class citizens and can be made local to some constructor.
; Here `local-fn` is only visible from inside the int constructor for `nested-example2`
def nested-example2 = int(
  def local-fn = fn(() => int(42))

Building from source

The language consists of two main components an interpreter in C and a compiler using the LLVM compiler toolchain in C++. Before you try to build either of these you will need to initialize the git submodules:

git submodule update --init

Building the compiler

To build the compiler you will first need to build llvm from source (this will take a while). After initializing llvm as a submodule change your working directory into that submodule:

cd lib/llvm-project

Then follow LLVM's instructions for building from source

Then simply run make from within the /compiler/ directory:

cd compiler

Then you should end up with the kebab executable. This can be used to compile kebab (.keb) files into IR (.ll files).

If you want to run the tests you will also need to build googletest from source. After initializing googletest as a submodule change your working directory into that submodule:

cd lib/googletest

Then follow GoogleTest's instructions for building from source

Then simply run make from within the /compiler/test/ directory, and run the run_tests executable.

cd compiler/test

Building the interpreter

To build the intepreter you will first need to build nonstdlib from source. After initializing nonstdlib as a submodule change your working directory into the src directory under that submodule and run make:

cd lib/nonstdlib/src

Then simply run make from the interpreter directory:

cd interpreter

Then you should end up with the kebab executable. This can be used to interpret kebab (.keb) files with its own runtime.


Kebab is a statically and strongly typed language. You define types for everything, including the types for parameters, return values, lists, etc. These types are enforced at runtime/compiletime and there is no any type. You can (and must) apply these types for every parameter and variable, through either specifying a variables constructor, or its type (more on constructors vs. type declarations later). Just to showcase some the language's advanced typing features here are some slightly absurd function definitions.

; Functions can return other functions
def ret-fn = fn((outer : int) => fn((inner : int) =>
    int(outer + inner)

; Functions can take functions as parameters
def takes-fn = fn((fn-param : fn((int) => string)) => string(

; Functions can take lists of functions as parameters
def takes-fn = fn((fn-params : list(fn(int) => string)) => string(

; A function that takes an int as a parameter and returns a function takes
; an int as a parameter that returns a list of ints
def ret-fn-rets-list = fn((outer : int) => fn((inner : int) => list((int) => 
  [outer, inner]

; In this signature we can see that `my-function` takes an int and a string as a parameter
; and returns a string. But from the constructor of `takes-fn` we can see that the function
; is supposed to return an int. Therefore returning the result of calling my-function is
; a type error since its return value of `string` is not the right type (`int`) for the function
def takes-fn = fn((my-function : fn(int, string) => string) => int(
  my-function(4, "hello") ; Error here - my-function does not return an int



Primitive constructors follow this pattern:


Where the constructor body is any sequence of statements where the last one must be an expression (the return value of the constructor). Some primitive constructors are char, bool, int and string. Here are some examples

  def a = 2
  a + 2


List constructors follow this pattern:

list((<type>) => <constructor-body>)

Here are some examples

list((string) => ["hello", ",", "world"])

list((list(string)) => [
  ["hello", "world"],
  ["this", "is", "kebab"], ; Trailing commas are allowed ;)

list((fn(int) => string) => [
  fn((a : int) => int(a)),
  fn((s : string) => string(s)),


Function constructors follow this pattern:

fn((<parameters>) => <constructor>)

Where the list of parameters is a comma separated list where each element should look like <name> : <type>. NOTE: The space before the : is very important here, as if you were to omit it, it would be included as a part of the name of the parameter which would cause a syntax error. The constructor in the functions body could be any other constructor, including another function constructor.

Constructors vs. type declarations

There are two ways through which kebab gets information about types. The first is through constructor calls. These are some examples of constructor type inference.

; int constructor means a is now bound to the int type
def a = int(2)
; string constructor means b is now bound to the string type
def s = string("hello")

; list constructor, parametrized to be of type `string`. Here the list(...)
; is the constructor call, while the string inside the list constructor
; is a type declaration the list constructor uses to bind it to that type
def b = list((string) => ["hello", "world"])

The strongest combination of constructors and type declarations are seen in functions. Let's analyze this function:

def my-function = fn((a : int, l : list(string)) => int(
  a + 5
  1. First we enter the fn constructor.
  2. Then we parse the parameters of the function.
    1. The first parameter is called a and is declared to be of type int
    2. The second parameter is called l and is declared to be of type list.
      1. The list is parametrized to be of type string.
  3. Then we parse the function body by calling another constructor - in this case the int constructor. This constructor also gives us the return type of the funciton, meaning this function must return an int.


Variables are constant by default, but can be made mutable if you add the mut qualifier when defining it. To mutate a mutable variable use a set statement.

; This is fine since my-var is mutable
def mut my-var = int(4)
set my-var = int(6) ; my-var is now 6

; This will error since my-const is constant
def my-const = int(4) ; This is fine
set my-const = int(6) ; Error here


You can control the flow of your program with if/elif/else expressions - yes these are expressions. An if/elif/else expression must return a value and therefore always needs to have an else branch. This is how you can use them in kebab.

; a = 1
def a = int(
  if false => 0
  elif 2 == 2 => -1
  else => 1

You can also define variables local to a branch or do other calculations inside each branch. For example:

; c = [3, 6]
def c = list((int) =>
  def q = int(1 + 2)
  if 2 == 2 =>
    ; `w` is local to this if branch
    def w = int(6)
    [q, w]
  elif 1 == 2 =>
    printf("hello, world\n")
    [q, 1]
  else =>
    [1, 2]


Compiler and interpreter for the Kebab programming language








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