- Each Session has an auto-generated session notes file
- Dogfood Burger: Focus on one feature at a time, dogfooding only that feature before and after implementing the feature to remain focused on coding.
- Encouraging ad hoc facilitation: It's ok for anybody to interrupt for 10 seconds and say they're feeling uncomfortable or point out that we are not adhering to our working agreements.
- r Split classes into separate files
- r Fix implicit any types (now that set compiler options to disallow implicit any)
- May 9, 2024:
- FizzBuzz with a rules object in cyber-dojo
- Link: https://cyber-dojo.org/kata/edit/SbyLlU
- April 4 and 11, 2024:
- Solve Lift Pass Kata, as we want to simulate Testing of a Legacy Microservice via JSON HTTP Api
- https://github.com/jcs-instructor/Refactoring-Kata-Lift-Pass-Pricing
- March 7, 2024:
- Code: https://cyber-dojo.org/kata/edit/qNwx86
- At the end of the session (Mar. 7, 2024), things left to do:
- Separate tests into 2 test files: one for fizzbuzz tests (inner loop) and one for fizzbuzz program tests (outer loop)
- Separate fizzbuzz production code into 2 files: one for the fizzbuzz function and one for the fizzbuzz program
- use GPT as a coding assistant while designing a text based mob timer:
- fizz buzz print 100 lines using double-loop TDD (in python)
- mob timer kata (in perl):
- https://cyber-dojo.org/kata/edit/p5uc7l on feb 22 started with Version 23
- tennis refactoring kata in cyber-dojo (in C#):
- Cyber-dojo: https://cyber-dojo.org/kata/edit/0htSZJ
- ChatGPT convo: https://chat.openai.com/share/a9f88e66-8e53-4c3e-8346-2eeb7c442c0d
- create a PR for cyber-dojo: there's a missing test in cyber-dojo C# Tennis refactoring kata: missing test for "Deuce" vs. "Forty-All"; fixed on Emily's repo 11 years ago - https://github.com/emilybache/Tennis-Refactoring-Kata/commit/192bc2c15de405ea17244f07ec7c82098167d991
- Kata short with learning goal
- Automate co-authors further for committing
Points Form Gain points using a form per player, where you choose actions/skills deserving points scoring points
- F!! Show the skills in the card - below the points bar, per role
- Consider using TDD starting with RoleSheet.spec.ts, replace dummy text with actual skills in the card
- Manually test in UI, using this command in the terminal:
- To show skills:
- To hide skills:
npm start
- To show skills:
- Remove feature flag when done
- F!! Gain points (based on these skills per role)
- F!! Show the skills in the card - below the points bar, per role
Timer Sync B Timer does not refresh for many people without restarting.
enable feature flag for all Fs
F Positions should stay in same place on screen (with player names rotating through).
F Make timer time-out more obvious. Maybe with noise. Maybe by locking screen.
F Add skills to mobber (Speak up. Be quiet)
F Add skill to navigator - Yes, and... (continuing intent of previous navigator)
F Capture mobber-level skill - quietly taking notes (without interrupting flow). Personal notes. Notes for the mob.
- Personal "Parking Lot" (to think about and MAYBE or (maybe not) share with mob
- Public - Possible future backlog items
F Capture xxx role skill - Manage attention (both own attentoin and mob's attention)
F!! Ability to rename Positions; e.g., Navigator -> Talker, Driver -> Typist, Mobber -> Next
Problem: Points are capped at 3 per role
- Potential Solution: Increment points per skill/action (e.g. listen on the edge of your seat)
- Potential Solution: Allow the points to continue past 3
- Just show the number
- Color coding for Badges (Level 2 Driver, Level 3 Driver)
Problem: Points given in an input field
- Potential Solution: F!! gain points using a form per player, where you choose actions/skills deserving points
- Potential Solution: Just have a button +1 (needs undo)
D Capture snapshot of Team Agreements, then incrementally add missing (or modified) practices.
See Agenda in Retro md / template
e We want to continuously see the same errors in the dev environment that we see in the CI enviornment (many possible solutions, e.g., script changes to jest test runner or some other way); currently CI is doing:
npm run build
but the dev environment hasnoImplicitAny=true
e Avoid ports pop-ups from npm test https://www.gitpod.io/docs/configure/workspaces/ports#configure-port-ranges
r Refactor
- r Encapsulate player_collection into class Mob (or Ensemble)
r Use property getters as appropriate
- but why?
- syntactic sugar
- user code looks ?cleaner?
- is it more readable? lower cognitive load?
instead of player.name()....- where is
used? - [-] More? Should we research the pros/cons and intent within TypeScript specifically?
- where is
- but why?
r Need a
Type instead of String -
In this File
- Replace all
getByRole('list', ...)
because for us Role has a different meaning than the Testlibrary - Replace all
getByRole('listitem', ...)
because for us Role has a different meaning than the Testlibrary - Replace all
getByRole('???', ...)
because for us Role has a different meaning than the Testlibrary
- Replace all
Keep on refactoring primitive obsession
which ecmascript version do we want to target for typescript? tsconfig.json
Document in the readme.md to explain how to start the app
- Support small screen
- Option to play without the built-in timer
Allow for local changes to env file (for testing) that do not break produciton.
Need badge icon(s) for:
- Disciplinarian
F!! Change label of button to toggle between "Start", "Pause".
F!! Separate button for "Cancel".
F!! Time less than 1:00.
- Install extension to extract whole React components:
- Abracabra - it works, but requires multiple steps (extract function in module scope; move to file; quick fix to convert parameters to destructured object; remove return type; change call site from function call to <... />)
- VSCode React Refactoring - works locally, but not on remote/GitPod
- change the README to only have the first mob session
- Fix broken pipeline by explicitly declaring fields to be optional using the
.npm run build
fails whilenpm test
- Set TypeScript compiler option to disallow implicit any
- Rename microretro* files and retro folder to refect actual contents (agenda + retro/session notes)
- Rename Game.players to Game.mob
- Replace all
because for us Role has a different meaning than the Testlibrary - Create GitPod yaml file (for when new workspace is created)
- create a global backlog
- create a microretro template
- Finish up the refactor test path
- improve on font #4