AgGrid is an awesome grid for web frontend. More information in Consider purchasing a license from Ag-Grid if you are going to use enterprise features!
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Live example [on Streamlit Cloud]( Some basic documentation is available:
pip install streamlit-aggrid
Create an file
from st_aggrid import AgGrid
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('')
Run :
streamlit run
Grid data is sent back to streamlit and can be reused in other components. In the example below a chart is updated on grid edition.
Version 0.3.0
- Merged some PR (Thanks everybody!) check PR at github!
- Added class parsing in React Side, so more advanced CellRenderers can be used. (Thanks kjakaitis)
- Added gridOptionsBuilder.configure_first_column_as_index() to, well, style the first columns as an index (MultiIndex to come!)
- Improved serialization performance by using simpler pandas to_json method (PR #62, #85)
- Added option to render plain json instead of pd.dataframes
- gridOptions may be loaded from file paths or strings
- gridReturn is now a @dataclass with rowIndex added to selected_rows, (previous version returned only the selected data, now you can know which row was selected)
- Changed GridReturnMode behaviour. Now update_on accepts a list of gridEvents that will trigger a streamlit refresh, making it possible to subscribe to any gridEvent.
- Removed dot-env and simplejson dependencies.
- Other smaller fixes and typos corrections.
Version 0.2.3
- small fixes
- Merged PR #44 and #25 (thanks msabramo and ljnsn)
- Merged PR #58 - allow nesting dataframes. Included an example in exampes folder.
Version 0.2.2
- Updated frontend dependencies to latest version
- Corrected text color for better viz when using streamlit theme (thanks jasonpmcculloch)
- Switched default theme to Balham Light ('light'), if you want to use streamlit theme set
on agGrid call
Version 0.2.0
- Support Themes
- Incorporated Pull Requests with fixes and pre-select rows (Thanks randomseed42 and msabramo)
- You can use strings instead of importing GridUpdateMode and DataReturnMode enumerators
- it works fine with st.forms!
- new theme example in example folder
Version 0.1.9
- Small fixes
- Organized examples folder
Version 0.1.8
- Fixes a bug that breaks the grid when NaN or Inf values are present in the data
Version 0.1.7
- Fixes a bug that happened when converting data back from the grid with only one row
- Added license_key parameter on AgGrid call.
Version 0.1.6
Version 0.1.5
- small bug fixes
- there is an option to avoid grid re-initialization on app update (check on examples folder or here)
Version 0.1.3
- Fixed bug where cell was blank after edition.
- Added enable_enterprise_modules argument to AgGrid call for enabling/disabling enterprise features
- It is now possible to inject js functions on gridOptions. Enabling advanced customizations such as conditional formatting (check 4th column on the example)
Version 0.1.2
- added customCurrencyFormat as column type
Version 0.1.0:
- I worked a little bit more on making the example app functional.
- Couple configuration options for update mode (How frontend updates streamlit) and for data returns (grid should return data filtered? Sorted?)
- Some basic level of row selection
- Added some docstrings specially on gridOptionsBuilder methods
- Lacks performance for production. JS Client code is slow...