- Created UI using React, TypeScript
- Created Express REST API to act as intermediary between Airtable and our frontend
- Set up build scripts
- Set up hosting using Railway
- Set up Winston for logging to the server
- Set up simple authentication using Express, bcrypt, and local storage.
- Put encrypted credentials in Users table in Airtable.
- Created endpoints for signing in and for creating new users
- Created UI for signing in
- Created UI components and endpoints for interfacing with Make in order to display text messages that are triggered during automations
- Created endpoints that trigger Make text message automations. Wired up buttons on frontend to hit these endpoints
- Created button that links to event creation form
- Fetched all upcoming events from Airtable and displayed them in the UI
- Added a static date variable to set
via environment variable whenNODE_ENV
- Fetched and displayed all volunteers in a table for each event
- Added functionality for confirming and unconfirming of volunteers for each event
- Added functionality for marking and unmarking each volunteer as "Can't come"
- Allowed sorting of volunteers based on type, confirmation status, special group, etc.
- Created endpoints and UI elements for the creation of new groups as well as adding groups to an event
- Fetched and displayed event sign up link in the UI for each special group
- Fetched and displayed drivers for each event
- Added functionality for assigning drivers to certain dropoff locations
- Added functionality for adding a dropoff location to an event
- Added dropdown component that links to commonly-used forms (Attendance form, driver form, and food allocation form).