Releases: graphieros/vue-data-ui
VueUiXy and VueUiQuickChart
Improve minimap with:
. hovering the minimap shows a selector, and the corresponding area is highlighted on the main chart
. inversely when hovering the chart, corresponding zone is selected on the minimap
This release improves chart components stability when unprocessable values are passed into datasets (NaN, undefined, Infinity, -Infinity, null
Whenever these values are present in a dataset, it is converted to 0, and in some useful cases, shown as a warning in the console.
Add new config options to rotate xAxis labels, and only show them at given modulo. number; // default 0 number | null; // default: null
Documentation page and chart maker are up to date.
Add optional minimap in zoom:
Additional minimap
attribute in config.chart.zoom
minimap: {
show: boolean; // default: false
smooth: boolean; // default: false
selectedColor: string; // default: "#1F77B4"
selectedColorOpacity: number; // default: 0.2
lineColor: string; // default: "#2D353C"
selectionRadius: number; // default: 2
VueUiXy docs and chart maker are up to date.
Add optional minimap in config.zoomMinimap
zoomMinimap: {
show: boolean; // default: false
smooth: boolean; // default: false
selectedColor: string; // default: "#1F77B4"
selectedColorOpacity: number; // default: 0.2
lineColor: string; // default: "#2D353C"
selectionRadius: number; // default: 2
Improve responsive proportions resizing
VueUiStackbar (again)
New config attributes to force scales: number; // default: null number; // default: null
By default, scales are automatically computed from your dataset's min and max visible values.
A new config attribute was added to show bars horizontally or vertically:
const config = ref<VueUiStackbarConfig>({
orientation: "vertical", // "vertical" | "horizontal"
... // rest of your config
You can try it out here
New config attribute to make the chart responsive.
const config = ref({
responsive: true, // default: false (chart resizes based on the width of the parent only)
... //rest of your config
Avoid placing a responsive chart inside a parent with dimensions set to 100% instead of fixed dimensions.
New config attributes to force the Y axis scale min and max values:
chart.grid.labels.yAxis.scaleMin: number; // default: null
chart.grid.labels.yAxis.scaleMax: number; // default: null
Either one, both or none can be used to force scaling.
An example was added in the Use cases of the VueUiXy documentation page.
This release introduces several improvements to VueUiXy
1. Multiple highlight areas:
Highlight areas are still defined on the same config chart.highlightArea
attribute. The previous implementation accepted the following configuration (which still works):
highlightArea: {
show: true,
from: 2,
to: 2,
color: '#00FF00',
opacity: 20,
caption: {
text: 'AREA 1',
fontSize: 12,
color: '#1A1A1A',
bold: false,
offsetY: 0,
width: 'auto',
padding: 3,
textAlign: 'center'
Now you can pass an array of highlight areas:
highlightArea: [
show: true,
from: 2,
to: 2,
color: '#00FF00',
opacity: 20,
caption: {
text: 'AREA 1',
fontSize: 12,
color: '#1A1A1A',
bold: false,
offsetY: 0,
width: 'auto',
padding: 3,
textAlign: 'center'
show: true,
from: 3,
to: 4,
color: '#FF0000',
opacity: 20,
caption: {
text: 'AREA 2,
fontSize: 12,
color: '#1A1A1A',
bold: false,
offsetY: 0,
width: 'auto',
padding: 3,
textAlign: 'center'
2. Optional positioning of the grid on the x axis
A new config attribute was added to choose the position of the grid relative to the datapoints: chart.grid.position
, with 2 possible values: "middle" or "start". The default is "middle", which corresponds to the previous behavior.
3. Chart border
A new config attribute was added to frame the chart area: chart.grid.frame
frame: {
show: boolean // default: false
stroke: string // default: "#E1E5E8"
strokeWidth: number // default: 2
strokeLinecap: "round" | "square" | "butt" // default: "round"
strokeLinejoin: "round" | "arcs" | "bevel" | "miter" | "miter-clip" // default: "round"
strokeDasharray: number // default: 0
4. Y axis scale
Y axis scale now shows the extreme values, while keeping a zero based approach, and showing the nicest possible scale.