Add optional tooltip:
const config = ref<VueUiSparkStackBarConfig>({
style: {
..., // rest of your config
tooltip: {
show: boolean; // default: true
backgroundColor: string; // default: "#FFFFFF"
color: string; // default: "#2D353C"
fontSize: number; // default: 14
customFormat: null | Function; // default: null *
borderRadius: number; // default: 4
borderColor: string; // default: "#E1E5E8"
borderWidth: number; // default: 1
position: "left" | "center" | "right"; // default: "center"
offsetY: number; // default: 24
*check out v2.0.6 to see how to use custom format
Built-in annotator improvement
(see v2.4.2 for details on this feature)
Now the path is smoothed and optimized while drawing, to auto correct the noise that occurs when using a mouse to draw paths.