VueUiXy & VueUiStackbar #139
- Add
Use this emit to use the data at the given time label:
function selectTimeLabel(data) {
- Add
scoped slot
Use this slot to customize time labels with your own svg text elements:
<VueUiStackbar :dataset="dataset" :config="config">
<template #time-label="{ x, y, fontSize, fill, transform, absoluteIndex, content, textAnchor }">
<g @click="() => selectTimeLabel({ absoluteIndex, content, /* or whatever you need for your custom click event */ })">
{{ content }}
:y="y + fontSize"
:font-size="fontSize * 0.8"
{{ content }}
An additional config attribute was also added for both components to show/hide time label in the tooltip:
- VueUiXy:
config.chart.tooltip.showTimeLabel: boolean; // default: true
- VueUiStackbar:
config.style.chart.tooltip.showTimeLabel: boolean; // default: true