A high-performance tensor computation library for the quantum physics community
If it isn't fast, it isn't graceful
For more information, user guide, and documentation, please visit project homepage.
- Rong-Yang Sun sun-rongyang@outlook.com
Note: For a complete list of the contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS.txt
You can cite the GraceQ/tensor where you use it as a support to this project. Please cite GraceQ/tensor as
GraceQuantum.org . GraceQ/tensor: A high-performance tensor computation framework for the quantum physics community. Homepage: https://tensor.gracequantum.org . For a complete list of the contributors, see CONTRIBUTORS.txt .
You can also choose to simply cite the whole GraceQ project as
GraceQ, www.gracequantum.org .
We highly acknowledge the following people, project(s) and organization(s) (sorted in alphabetical order):
ALPS project, Chunyu Sun, Donna Sheng, Grace Song, Hong-Chen Jiang, Hong-Hao Tu, Hui-Ke Jin, itensor.org, Le Zhao, Shuo Yang, Thomas P. Devereaux, Wayne Zheng, Xiaoyu Dong, Yi Zhou, Yifan Jiang, Yifeng Chen, Zheng-Yu Weng
You can not meet this project without anyone of them. And the basic part of this project (before version 0.1) was developed by Rong-Yang Sun and Cheng Peng, when Rong-Yang Sun was a visiting student at Stanford University. So R.-Y. Sun want to give special thanks to his co-advisors Hong-Chen Jiang, Prof. Thomas P. Devereaux and their postdoctors Yifan Jiang and Cheng Peng.