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In-memory LRU cache to reduce the line-retrieval latency from text files on disk.


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c0e1b81 · Mar 6, 2023


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Mar 6, 2023
Mar 6, 2023
Mar 6, 2023
Mar 6, 2023
Mar 6, 2023
Mar 6, 2023
Mar 6, 2023

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Text Provider

The code provides the TextProvider class which serves lines from a text file. The class provides the getLine() method which takes as an input the line number to be served and returns the content of the line as a string. Line numbering starts from 1. If invalid line numbers are passed to the method (line numbers less than 1 or larger than the largest line number in the file) the TextProviderException is raised.

The code also includes a simple app that makes use of the TextProvider. The app reads the command line arguments, assumes the first one is the text file name, and the rest are line numbers that are served from the input file. The app splits the line numbers into two lists for even and odd line numbers and serves each list on a separate thread.

Getting Started

The code is in jdk 19 and can be built with maven (Apache Maven 3.8.6).

To build the code:

$ ./

To run the app, with some input text file and a set of line numbers, execute:

$ ./ <input.txt> <line-num-1> <line-num-2> ... <line-num-n>

All output is logged in to a rotating log file under the logs/ directory.

For example, the text file example/in.txt contains 1000 line of text:

$ ./ example/in.txt 100 101 99 1 2 3 -1 1001
$ cat logs/textprovider.log 
2021-10-15 12:11:31.402 [INFO] TextProviderApp - 101 --> [101: this is line 101]
2021-10-15 12:11:31.402 [INFO] TextProviderApp - 100 --> [100: this is line 100]
2021-10-15 12:11:31.405 [INFO] TextProviderApp - 99 --> [99: this is line 99]
2021-10-15 12:11:31.405 [INFO] TextProviderApp - 2 --> [2: this is line 2]
2021-10-15 12:11:31.405 [INFO] TextProviderApp - 1 --> [1: this is line 1]
2021-10-15 12:11:31.405 [INFO] TextProviderApp - 3 --> [3: this is line 3]
2021-10-15 12:11:31.405 [ERROR] TextProviderApp - line -1 failed: line number should be greater than 0
2021-10-15 12:11:31.405 [INFO] TextProviderApp - even list failures: 0
2021-10-15 12:11:31.428 [ERROR] TextProviderApp - line 1001 failed: line 1001 does not exist in the file
2021-10-15 12:11:31.429 [INFO] TextProviderApp - odd list failures: 2

TextProvider Structure

The TextProvider class is composed of an LRU cache and a text file accessor component. In each call to getLine(), first the cache is checked to see if the line is already in the cache, and in that case the line is served from the cache. In case of a cache miss, the text file accessor is used to retrieve the requested line from the file. If the line is retrieved successfully, the cache is updated and the content of the line is returned. In case of a failure (either because an invalid line number is requested, or reading from file has failed), a TextProviderException is raised to inform the user.

The LRU cache is implemented using the jdk-provided LinkedHashMap collection, wrapped in Collections.synchronizedMap(). The cache maps line numbers to line contents and has a default capacity of 1024 * 1024 entries.

The text file accessor is implemented in the TextFileAccessor class, and it is the component that is accessing the text file. It maintains a state through a ConcurrentNavigableMap which maps line numbers to their corresponding byte offset in the text file. The map is initialized with the pair (1, 0) indicating that the first line is at the beginning of the file. Calls to the read() method return the content of the line specified in the argument. If the line number is in the map, then the corresponding byte offset is used to read the line from the text file using a RandomAccessFile object. If the line number is not in the map, then the largest line number in the map, which is less than the requested line number, is used to sequentially read lines from the file until the requested line is read or the end of file is reached. During this sequential read, the map is updated to improve performance for subsequent requests. If the end of file is reached and no line has been found with the requested line number, null is returned.

Unit Tests

The three main components, TextProvider, LruCache and TextFileAccessor have a small set of unit tests to test their basic functionality.


In-memory LRU cache to reduce the line-retrieval latency from text files on disk.





