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SmoochBot is a toolkit that you can use to build automated, intelligent bots that tie into conversations on

You can use SmoochBot to:

  • Walk your users through a friendly, guided, on-boarding process
  • Handle common customer support questions
  • Route users to an appropriate team member
  • Provide an automated conversational interface to your app
  • Provide shipping and logistic updates to your customers in response to events in your CRM or E-Commerce system
  • Almost anything else you can imagine!

You can use SmoochBot to have conversation with your users and customers across any platform that we support: In-App iOS and Android, on the web, and over SMS. Conversations with SmoochBot can be supervised by humans on your team and they can join in the discourse at any time using Slack, HipChat, Help Scout, Zendesk or their favourite CRM.

SmoochBot on the web

We've based SmoochBot on the awesome BotKit. This means that if you're used to writing bots for Slack, bringing your bot building wizardry over to Smooch will be a piece of cake.


SmoochBot is available via NPM.

npm install --save smoochbot

You can also check out smoochbot directly from Git. If you want to use the example code and included bots, it may be preferable to use Github over NPM.

git clone

After cloning the Git repository, you have to install the node dependencies. Navigate to the root of your cloned repository and use npm to install all necessary dependencies.

Alternatively, you can deploy SmoochBot directly to Heroku with this button: Deploy

Getting Started

  1. Install SmoochBot. See Installation instructions.

  2. Create a key/secret from the app settings page in Smooch

  3. Configure the following environment variables

Variable Name Description
APPTOKEN Smooch App Token
KEY Smooch API Key
SECRET Smooch API Secret
INCOMING_WEBHOOK URL of SmoochBot + "/smooch/" (without quotes)
BOT_NAME Friendly name of the bot
AVATAR_URL URL of an image to use as the bot's avatar
  1. Run the bot with 'node smoochy.js'

Core Concepts

Bots built with Botkit have a few key capabilities, which can be used to create clever, conversational applications. These capabilities map to the way real human people talk to each other.

Bots can hear things. Bots can say things and reply to what they hear.

With these two building blocks, almost any type of conversation can be created.

To organize the things a bot says and does into useful units, Botkit bots have a subsystem available for managing multi-message conversations. Conversations add features like the ability to ask a question, queue several messages at once, and track when an interaction has ended. Handy!

After a bot has been told what to listen for and how to respond, it is ready to be connected to Smooch's message streams.

Basic Usage

Here's an example of using SmoochBot to answer people who say "hello".

The Botkit constructor returns a controller object. By attaching event handlers to the controller object, developers can specify what their bot should look for and respond to, including keywords and patterns. These event handlers can be thought of metaphorically as skills or features the robot brain has -- each event handler defines a new "When a human say THIS the bot does THAT."

The controller object is then used to spawn() bot instances that represent a specific bot identity and connection to Smooch. Once spawned and connected to the API, the bot can be used to send messages and conduct conversations with users. They are called into action by the controller when firing event handlers.

var Botkit = require('botkit');

var controller = Botkit.smoochbot({

//Initialize and setup bot connection to Smooch
var bot = controller.spawn()


controller.setupWebserver(process.env.PORT, function(err, server) {

// give the bot something to listen for.
controller.hears('hello','message_received',function(bot,message) {

  bot.reply(message,'Hello from SmoochBot.');


Developing with SmoochBot

Table of Contents

Receiving Messages

Botkit bots receive messages through a system of event handlers. Handlers can be set up to respond to specific types of messages, or to messages that match a given keyword or pattern.

Currently, only one type of event is supported although this list is expected to increase soon!

Event Description
message_received This event is fired for any message of any kind that is received and can be used as a catch all

These message events can be handled using by attaching an event handler to the main controller object. These event handlers take two parameters: the name of the event, and a callback function which is invoked whenever the event occurs. The callback function receives a bot object, which can be used to respond to the message, and a message object.

Matching Patterns and Keywords with hears()

In addition to these traditional event handlers, Botkit also provides the hears() function, which configures event handlers based on matching specific keywords or phrases in the message text. The hears function works just like the other event handlers, but takes a third parameter which specifies the keywords to match.

Argument Description
patterns An array or a comma separated string containing a list of regular expressions to match
types An array or a comma separated string of the message events in which to look for the patterns
callback callback function that receives a message object
controller.hears(['keyword','^pattern$'],'message_received',function(bot,message) {

  // do something to respond to message
  bot.reply(message,'You used a keyword!');


Sending Messages

Bots have to send messages to deliver information and present an interface for their functionality. Botkit bots can send messages in several different ways, depending on the type and number of messages that will be sent.

Single message replies to incoming commands can be sent using the bot.reply() function.

Multi-message replies, particulary those that present questions for the end user to respond to, can be sent using the bot.startConversation() function and the related conversation sub-functions.

Bots can originate messages - that is, send a message based on some internal logic or external stimulus - using bot.say() method.

Single Message Replies to Incoming Messages

Once a bot has received a message using a on() or hears() event handler, a response can be sent using bot.reply().

Messages sent using bot.reply() are sent immediately. If multiple messages are sent via bot.reply() in a single event handler, they will arrive in the Slack client very quickly and may be difficult for the user to process. We recommend using bot.startConversation() if more than one message needs to be sent.

Multi-message Replies to Incoming Messages

For more complex commands, multiple messages may be necessary to send a response, particularly if the bot needs to collect additional information from the user.

Botkit provides a Conversation object type that is used to string together several messages, including questions for the user, into a cohesive unit. Botkit conversations provide useful methods that enable developers to craft complex conversational user interfaces that may span a several minutes of dialog with a user, without having to manage the complexity of connecting multiple incoming and outgoing messages across multiple API calls into a single function.

Messages sent as part of a conversation are sent no faster than one message per second, which roughly simulates the time it would take for the bot to "type" the message. (It is possible to adjust this delay - see special behaviors)

Start a Conversation


Argument Description
message incoming message to which the conversation is in response
callback a callback function in the form of function(err,conversation) { ... }

startConversation() is a function that creates conversation in response to an incoming message. The conversation will occur in the same channel in which the incoming message was received. Only the user who sent the original incoming message will be able to respond to messages in the conversation.

Control Conversation Flow


Argument Description
message String or message object

Call convo.say() several times in a row to queue messages inside the conversation. Only one message will be sent at a time, in the order they are queued.

controller.hears(['hello world'],'message_received',function(bot,message) {

  // start a conversation to handle this response.
  bot.startConversation(message,function(err,convo) {

    convo.say('Have a nice day!');




Argument Description
message String or message object containing the question
callback or array of callbacks callback function in the form function(response_message,conversation), or array of objects in the form { pattern: regular_expression, callback: function(response_message,conversation) { ... } }
capture_options Optional Object defining options for capturing the response

When passed a callback function, conversation.ask will execute the callback function for any response. This allows the bot to respond to open ended questions, collect the responses, and handle them in whatever manner it needs to.

When passed an array, the bot will look first for a matching pattern, and execute only the callback whose pattern is matched. This allows the bot to present multiple choice options, or to proceed only when a valid response has been received. At least one of the patterns in the array must be marked as the default option, which will be called should no other option match. Botkit comes pre-built with several useful patterns which can be used with this function. See included utterances

Callback functions passed to ask() receive two parameters - the first is a standard message object containing the user's response to the question. The second is a reference to the conversation itself.

Note that in order to continue the conversation, must be called by the callback function. This function tells Botkit to continue processing the conversation. If it is not called, the conversation will hang and never complete causing memory leaks and instability of your bot application!

The optional third parameter capture_options can be used to define different behaviors for collecting the user's response. This object can contain the following fields:

Field Description
key String If set, the response will be stored and can be referenced using this key
multiple Boolean if true, support multi-line responses from the user (allow the user to respond several times and aggregate the response into a single multi-line value)
Using conversation.ask with a callback:
controller.hears(['question me'],'message_received',function(bot,message) {

  // start a conversation to handle this response.
  bot.startConversation(message,function(err,convo) {

    convo.ask('How are you?',function(response,convo) {

      convo.say('Cool, you said: ' + response.text);;



Using conversation.ask with an array of callbacks:
controller.hears(['question me'],'message_received',function(bot,message) {

  // start a conversation to handle this response.
  bot.startConversation(message,function(err,convo) {

    convo.ask('Shall we proceed Say YES, NO or DONE to quit.',[
        pattern: 'done',
        callback: function(response,convo) {
          convo.say('OK you are done!');
        pattern: bot.utterances.yes,
        callback: function(response,convo) {
          convo.say('Great! I will continue...');
          // do something else...

        callback: function(response,convo) {
          convo.say('Perhaps later.');
          // do something else...
        default: true,
        callback: function(response,convo) {
          // just repeat the question


Multi-stage conversations

The recommended way to have multi-stage conversations is with multiple functions which call eachother. Each function asks just one question. Example:

controller.hears(['pizzatime'],['ambient'],function(bot,message) {
  bot.startConversation(message, askFlavor);

askFlavor = function(response, convo) {
  convo.ask("What flavor of pizza do you want?", function(response, convo) {
    askSize(response, convo);;
askSize = function(response, convo) {
  convo.ask("What size do you want?", function(response, convo) {
    askWhereDeliver(response, convo);;
askWhereDeliver = function(response, convo) { 
  convo.ask("So where do you want it delivered?", function(response, convo) {
    convo.say("Ok! Good by.");;

Working with the Smooch API

A bot's "api" property contains an initialized instance of smooch-core. You can use this to access any of the API methods available in the Smooch REST API.

You can use the API methods to set and retrieve user profile information and more.


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