word2vec scrapers:
w2v_scraper.py: Scrapes data off sense2vec output trained with reddit dataset
Scrapes data off https://explosion.ai/demos/sense2vec.
The model that is used is trained is up-to-date. Scraping off of this is more accurate than the library.
w2v_scraper_gnews.py: Scrapes data off sense2vec output trained with google news dataset
Scrapes data off https://rare-technologies.com/word2vec-tutorial/
The model used is trained with google news dataset.
altpick.py : Scrapes data of photographers of specific location
https://altpick.com/ is the source website.
asmp.py : Scrapes data of photographers of specific location
hhtps://asmp.org/ is the source website
wonderfulmachine.py : Scrapes data of photographers of specific location
https://wonderfulmachines.com/ is the source website
production_paradise.py : Scrapes data of photographers of specific location
https://www.productionparadise.com/ is the source website
company_page.py : Scrapes all useful information from a company's website
Any page with important info can be scraped
producthunt.py : Scrapes data about a company from https://producthunt.com
whois.py : Scrapes data from whois website for specified company website
wiki.py : Looks up about a company on wikipedia