ciCHECK: Attendance tracking system, Scanning RFID Cards or tags and saving text and excel records on connected computer (Arduino and Processing Mini Project)
Links to download latest ciCHECK app and requirements:
Download ciCHECK app for MacOs (Requires Java):
Download ciCHECK Box drivers :
Download Java :
Install Instructions for ciCHECK app:
- Download "ciCHECK Box" then extract/decompress the folder to Desktop, Double click on "run.command" (Requires password), then Double click on "CH34x_Install_V1.4.pkg" Install then reboot.
- Download and run "ciCHECK Installer.pkg" and follow Instructions to install (insert user password if needed)
- ciCHECK app is ready to run from Launchpad and Applications folder
- Troubleshooting: if you connect ciCHECK box and run the ciCHECK app , and the ciCHECK box is not detected you should probably follow this guide and then repeat step (1) in Install Instructions.
Instructions to use ciCHECK Box and app:
To add new users:
- Run the app ""
- Plug the ciCHECK box ,Check if the box is connected in the app
- Then click on "New card" button, follow instructions.
More guides coming soon...
Side note:
- It is safe to unplug/plug the ciCHECK box into another usb port
- Componenets and tutorial:
Side note: I developed the project little bit further by adding LEDS to the project to notify when the card is scanned and when the arduino is on.
Used Developement Envirement softwares:
- Arduino IDE :
- Processing :
Both code sources for Arduino and for Processing are shared on the master repository, to add more features and enhacements work on Processing source code.
- the Processing code uses:
Java Excel API library (Included on the code source of Processing) / Java Mail Library (Builtin with Processing).
- the Arduino code uses MFRC522 library (Available in Arduino library manager).
- the Arduino pitch sounds library (included) for future sound feature developement.
2018 (c) Soufiane Gouiferda
Connect Institute