This is a firmware update for my Geeetech A20:
Motherboard version: GT2560 V.4.0 Stepper driver: TMC2208 Dispay: LCD12864 Motors: Nema 17, 42 N/cm 1.5A Estrusion method: Direct drive
This release is based on Marlin 1.1.x bugfix. (code name: Goro.Arms)
Prebuild firmware is located at this path: .pioenvs/megaatmega2560/firmware.hex
This Firmware version contains various changes:
- Disable endstop Z min (only works with blotouch installed)
- Union of babystaps and Z-offset
- FAST_PWM_FAN enable
- Auto bed levelling grid 4x4, 3 probe for point (but I used it only for debug via console, I don't use auto bed auto correction during the print)
- Faderate / Acceleration / Jerk / Linear Pressure Control
- Lite menu
- No filament sensor
- Hardcoded custom scripts and varius routine
- And more...
Please inspect Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h for more datails!
Remenber: This program comes with absolutely no warranty: Works perfectly on my A20, but is modded (I converted it to direct drive and some improvements to the chassis)
Thingiverse project page: