Web App: https://cs50p-eq.streamlit.app/
Video Demo: https://youtu.be/KzfQKydDKnI
This web app is made for CS50P Final Project using streamlit. It helps users to filter and visualize latest earthquake data that provided by USGS (United States Geological Survey).
Streamlit: Streamlit turns python scripts into shareable web apps without any front‑end experience.
Folium: Python library that allows you to create interactive maps using the Leaflet.js library.
Altair: Python library for creating interactive visualizations.
Plotly: Python library for creating interactive visualizations using D3.js visualization library.
ag-Grid: Library for creating data grids and displaying tabular data.
pandas: Python library for data manipulation and analysis.
haversine: Python library that provides a function for calculating the Haversine distance between two coordinates.
Filter UI idea: Non-automated version is used with additional features. Thanks to Tyler Richards, Arnaud Miribel and Zachary Blackwood for providing this streamlit filter UI.
This is not a real-time feed and app uses monthly csv dataset provided by USGS in the background.
- Streamlit feature
is used while accessing this csv file. - @st.experimental_memo is the function decorator to memoize function executions.
- Memoization is really useful for improving the performance of Streamlit app by avoiding the need to recalculate the output of a function or component each time it is called.
- Since Streamlit will be re-running the entire script after each interaction, this step is necessary to improve performance.
time (UTC) | latitude | longitude | depth | mag | magType | place | type | status | locationSource | magSource |
2022-12-26T17:28:01.550000 | 19.387500 | -155.282836 | 1.02 | 2.1 | md | "7 km SW of Volcano, Hawaii" | earthquake | automatic | hv | hv |
2022-12-26T14:30:07.119000 | -17.622 | -69.713 | 167.538 | 4.4 | mb | "Peru-Bolivia border region" | earthquake | reviewed | us | us |
2022-12-26T09:35:02.485000 | -58.6443 | -25.0232 | 19.159 | 5.1 | mww | "South Sandwich Islands region" | earthquake | reviewed | us | us |
- You can change your dataset size before applying any additional filters. It will show past 30 days by default.
- Selecting add more filters option will show you more filtering options. You can select in any order and change or remove them whenever you want.
- All filter changes will apply to both interactive and 3d-outline maps and given earthquake related graphs.
- Dataframe will be displayed with python version of ag-Grid JavaScript library.
- All filter changes will apply to dataframe aswell and it will also display color-coded magnitude values.
- You can select any magnitude 4.0+ earthquake row with checkbox right next to it and display it as a marker in interactive map.
- Checkbox in the top left corner can be used to select all rows. (This will automatically ignore earthquakes below 4.0 magnitude if there are no additional filters applied.)
- You can sort columns by clicking column names or adjust column width. There is also built-in ag-Grid filter with less options.
- You can select a row from the dataframe by checking the checkbox next to it.
- Selected row will be shown on the map as a marker if magnitude value is equal to 4.0 or higher.
- Magnitude value is limited to avoid longer loading times.
- Markers are color-coded depending on magnitude value.
- You can click any marker and check details.
- You can choose map layer. Base Map layer gives the best performance.
- Heatmap and Circle Search panels are affected by the data filter.
- Heatmap works with filtered dataframe so you don't have to select rows to display them.
- Selecting Heatmap option will disable markers and circle search panel.
- You can scroll over and add/remove filters while performing a circle search.
- You can check distance in between center location and nearest/furthest earthquakes while performing a circle search.
- 3d-outline map is added for visual reference while checking given earthquake graphs.
- Clone the repository
- Create a virtual environment (optional)
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
- Install required libraries
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the Streamlit web app
streamlit run project.py