The Atlas of Space is an interactive visualization to explore the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in the Solar System.
yarn install
yarn netlify dev
Infrastructure dependencies:
- Netlify: static site deployment, server-side functions defined
- CDN at
- Anthropic: generate grounded facts and summaries via server-side functions
- Small-body database lookup (
- Trajectory browser (
- Ephemeris generator (
- Asteroid fact sheet (
- Planet textures (
- Asteroid 3D models (
- Solar system exploration history (
- Physical modeling:
- Add co-orbitals
- Model spacecraft (e.g. Parker, Juno, Cassini, Voyager)
- Choose mission from list to simulate
- Incorporate apsidal and nodal precession (changing ω and Ω over time)
- Use ephemeris data for modeling
- Scene rendering:
- Examine render settings, see if visuals can be improved (e.g. overlap between planet and ellipse)
- Fix alignment between planet and ellipse
- Render 3D models for asteroids
- Improve offscreen indicator rendering for moons when the main planet is not visible
- General:
- Improve controls for adding asteroids/comets from SBDB
- Reduce jumpiness of token-by-token rendering for many items (orbital regime fact sheet, spacecraft timelines)
- Add Hill sphere for planets (w/ rendering on hover)
- "Learn more" via in-app definition generation
- Add more information to spacecraft:
- Gallery images
- Launch vehicle
- Creator/operator (e.g. JPL)