- Include deactivating live/hot reload
- Remove –dev from expo start
- Fix typo in bottom
- [X] Pattern form
- [X] Pattern planning bottom buttons
- [X] Remove templates from play selector
- [X] Fix button size in selection menu (real device)
- [ ] Restyle play selector
- [X] Now indicator uses primary color
- [X] Now indicator renders over selected period
- [ ] Time indicators use a color from theme
- [ ] Another level of time indicators (thinner or dashed lines)
- [ ] Filter component
- [ ] Remove header
- [ ] Item render component
- [ ] Bucket
- [ ] Pattern
- [ ] Template
- [ ] Periods
- [ ] FAB for add
- [ ] Better option components
- [ ] Move history to app-db
- [ ] Limit to X items
- [ ] Back should pop off history
- [ ] Delete actions should nav-back
- [ ] queue definition
- Include priority?
- [ ]
key under:bucket
- [ ] Add an incremental version to app-db
- [ ] Create an example up/down transformation function (checklist)
- [ ] Figure out how to run through transformation function on app-db load/import
- [ ] Add basic data to spec template
- [ ] Add basic data to spec period
- [ ] Create components for forms
- [ ] Period
- [ ] Period compact (modal?)
- [ ] Template
- [ ] Template compact (modal?)
- [ ] Create complete state indicator
- Meta data (with mobile friendly editor) on all entities
- Linting
- Multiple play timers
- Fully namespaced keys only
- Add Extra buttons to selection menus
- Add period to pattern
- Edit on full form
- DRY up spectre paths
- Spec everything
- Unit test every function
- Accessibility
- Energy meter