Install dependencies.
Start shadow.
shadow-cljs watch app
Wait for first compile to finish or expo gets confused.
In another process start expo.
expo start
Open the app in the expo client and look for successful repl message.
WebSocket connected!
REPL init successful
Open the developer menu and make sure live reload and hot reload are disabled.
In editor connect to the shadow repl. Emacs specific command below.
cider-connect (localhost:8202 or w/e the shadow log says the nrepl is running on)
Once that clj repl is open then start a cljs repl.
It should connect to the instance running on the device.
Emacs specific commands bellow.
# for the prompts select
# build
If the expo client displays an error dismiss
it and do not reload.
Reloading kills the repl. The shadow watch, and expo start commands will have to be restarted and the editor re-connected to the repl.
shadow-cljs release app
expo build:android
shadow-cljs release app
expo build:android