CS470 (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence) Term Project
This is a prototype for the AI Dance Coach, an application that compares your movements to those of a professional performer and highlights mistakes.
The pipeline consists of recording a video and sending it to our server for processing where it is broken down into separate frames and fed them into OpenPose, an open-source pose detection model.
It then uses a custom pose difference calculation to compare the submitted video frames to a sample video and respond with a visualization of the first part where the pose of the user strongly deviates from the sample pose.
The app runs on smartphones running iOS.
A short demo video can be found here.
Video samples for testing the app can be found here.
For testing the app with fidelity-lowered compressed videos, sample images for evaluating the app can be found here.
The prerequisites are split up into three parts:
- Backend - OpenPose
- Backend - Flask Server
- Frontend - React Native App
Disclaimer: Due to a variety of systems involved, the setup process includes a lot of steps and can vary depending on your environment. To limit possible sources of error, using a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 when setting up this system is recommended.
Below are the specifications of the server that this setup was tested on. These should only serve as a reference point. However, we recommend using a machine with a powerfull (Nvidia) GPU, as CPU inference for OpenPose requires some additional setup and is too slow for large scale video analysis.
RAM: 2x 16GB Hynix 16GB 2400 DDR4
CPU: 2x 2.2GHz Intel Xeon-Skylake (5120-GOLD)
OS : Ubuntu 18.04
Accelerator: Cuda 9.1 with cuDNN 7.6.5
Deep learning framework: Caffe OpenPose Branch
General dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-opencv freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libxi-dev libxmu-dev dkms build-essential gcc-6 g++-6 linux-headers-$(uname -r) nvidia-cuda-toolkit cmake libhdf5-serial-dev libopencv-dev libatlas-base-dev liblapacke-dev libblkid-dev e2fslibs-dev libboost-all-dev libaudit-dev python-numpy doxygen libgflags-dev gflags libgoogle-glog-dev autoconf automake libtool curl make unzip
After installing the above dependencies, restart to load in the correct nvidia drivers
sudo reboot
Test the CUDA installation with
nvcc --version
For performance reasons, installing cuDNN is highly recommended
When following the testing instructions, be sure to change the Cuda directory in the Makefile
( /usr if your nvcc is in /usr/bin )
Installing protoc:
Follow the installation instructions here (Important: Skip the Prerequesites part)
Currently optional:
Installing caffe:
sudo apt-get install caffe-cuda
Test the caffe installation with
caffe --version
Installing OpenPose (only for reference, follow the steps below)
From the root directory, create the build folder:
mkdir build
cd build
Set the correct environment variables:
export CC=gcc-6
export CXX=g++-6
Generate the makefile:
Build openpose:
make -j`nproc`
To install OpenPose in your environment after building, run :
sudo make install
in the build directory.
Adding the experimental models
- 25B Option 2
(Getting these to run requires additional workarounds)
Using Flask as framework, nginx as web server, and gunicorn as server gateway interface.
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo apt-get install gunicorn3
To install all packages needed for this project:
cd Backend
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Configure nginx
make sure that server allows incomming http requests on port 80
in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ create file called "app" with the following content
listen 80;
server_name <YOUR SERVER IP>;
location / {
proxy_pass http://unix:/home/pose/AI-Dance-Coach/Backend/app.sock;
Configure gunicorn
in /path/to/file create a file called "gunicorn3.service" with the following content
Description=Gunicorn instance to serve myproject
ExecStart = /usr/bin/gunicorn3 --workers 3 --bind unix:app.sock -m 007 app:app
- For building the iOS App, Xcode is required.
- Install the following dependencies:
brew install yarn
sudo gem install cocoapods
- After cloning the Project,
cd AIDanceCoach
cd ios && pod install
cd ..
react-native run-ios
- You can change the server address in
SERVER_ENDPOINT= #Change this address
To run the deployment server after setup, run:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo service gunicorn3 start
sudo service nginx start
For testing purposes, you can start the flask development server by running
sudo python3 app.py
in the Backend directory. This will open the app on port 5000 as opposed to 80.
send an http request
curl -X POST -F file=@"/path/to/file.mp4" -F file=@"/path/to/file.json" --output response.zip
with file.mp4 beeing an video of a human performing a coreography (note: behaviour is only defined for exactly one human beeing in the video)
and file.json beeing a json, config file with the following format
"is_sample": <bool>,
"compare_to": <name_of_file.mp4>
The server will return a zip filder, with returning the result of the analysis.
2 video files, a json with the raw data, and a json with a short configuration.
First send sample a sample video.
Second send trial videos and get the respose.
So an example for two sending up a sample and comparing it could be:
curl -X POST -F file=@"/mnt/c/Users/nomis/Desktop/three.mp4" -F file=@"/mnt/c/Users/nomis/Desktop/test0.json"
curl -X POST -F file=@"/mnt/c/Users/nomis/Desktop/four.mp4" -F file=@"/mnt/c/Users/nomis/Desktop/test1.json" --output response.zip
With test0.json being
"is_sample": true,
"compare_to": "three.mp4"
and test1.json being
"is_sample": false,
"compare_to": "three.mp4"
In the Backend
folder, run
python3 evaluate.py
With input images compressed with parameter QF
(in Backend/evaluate.py
), this evaluates accuracy of pose detection in compressed images.
Directory of input images can be customized in Backend/evaluate_compression/Evaluator.py
The accuracy is measured by 2D Euclidean distance between keypoints of uncompressed image and keypoints of compressed image.
Accuracy measurement can be improved by implementing Object Keypoint Similarity(OKS), but need additional adjustments to match the input format of the OKS API.
- React-Native - Front end framework
- Flask - Backend framework for processing requests
- OpenPose - Pose estimation model
- OpenCV - Video processing
- Jaeyi Hong - goodCycle
- Adrian Steffan - adriansteffan
- Simon Zocholl - SimonZocholl
- Doheon Hwang - hdh112