how to add admob native ad in flash air application run on ios and android ?
this adobe native extention( make it easy,
and I will show how to use it .
Make sure you have had admob account( and created a application before continue.
download: and get the lib file admob6.11.1.ane
admob ane 6.12.2 for air mobile ad ,support Interstitial and Banner
support landscape and portrait and autoOrient
support ios and android
support all native event
builed on admob ios sdk 6.12.2 and admob android sdk(Google Play services 4.5) 4.5
if you want to use it ,you need update air sdk to 15.0 or higher
- Import the API Classes
import so.cuo.platform.admob.*;
2.we create a simple admob banner ad .Get the Admob instance and set the admob ID
if want to set admob interstitial with a separate ID ,set the second parameter of setKeys.
then show the admob banner at bottom center of screen.
var admob:Admob=Admob.getInstance();
admob.setKeys("your banner id");
3.create and show interstitial.
Get the admob instance and set the admob ID,the first ID is the banner ID
and the second ID is interstitial ID. then call cacheInterstitial to load ad,
if load success isInterstitialReady return will true,call showInterstitial to show full screen ad
var admob:Admob=Admob.getInstance();
admob.setKeys("your admob banner","your admob institial");////replace this fake ID with your really ID
if (admob.isInterstitialReady())// check ad has cached ,if true show it
if want to add admob in android need change the application-app.xml file .
add uses permission and activity
<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>
<meta-data android:name=""
android:value="@integer/google_play_services_version" />
<activity android:name="" android:configChanges="keyboard|keyboardHidden|orientation|screenLayout|uiMode|screenSize|smallestScreenSize"/>
more function
- handler ad event like this.
- get ad size info
protected function onAdReceived(event:AdmobEvent):void
- 3.get screen size info,old version function