> cd path/to/gonimo-back
> stack exec -- gonimo-back&
> cd path/to/gonimo-front
> bower update
> rm -rf ./bower_components/purescript-newtype
> npm install
> npm start
> chromium-browser --disable-web-security --user-data-dir
~> localhost:3000
in chromium
Note that if your chromium-browser is single instance only - you should not go to any suspicious site (not that you should go there anytime else).
> cd path/to/gonimo-front
> bower update
> rm -rf ./bower_components/purescript-newtype
> pulp browserify --to dist/app.js && cp -R ./static/* dist
the removal of `purescript-newtype` should only be necessary temporarily as this
is either fixed by checking the `"resolutions"` section in `bower.json`, or by
the migration to purescript-0.9.3 to purescript-0.10.x.