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Athens Proxy Helm Chart: athens-proxy

Version: 0.14.4 AppVersion: v0.15.4

What is Athens?

Athens is a repository for packages used by your go packages.

Athens provides a repository for Go Modules that you can run. It serves public code and your private code for you, so you don't have to pull directly from a version control system (VCS) like GitHub or GitLab.


Kubernetes: >= 1.19-0


Deploy Athens

The fastest way to install Athens using Helm is to deploy it from our public Helm chart repository. First, add the repository with this command:

$ helm repo add athens
$ helm repo update

Next, install the chart with default values in the athens namespace:

$ helm install athens/athens-proxy -n athens --namespace athens

This will deploy a single Athens instance in the athens namespace with disk storage enabled. Additionally, a ClusterIP service will be created.


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} see
annotations object {} Add extra annotations to the athens pods
autoscaling.apiVersionOverride string "" Overwrite the API version used for HPA, uses 'autoscaling/v2' by default. see
autoscaling.behavior object {} Define scaling behavior for HPA
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 3
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage int 80
basicAuth.enabled bool false If enabled, it expects to find the username and password in the named secret provided below
basicAuth.passwordSecretKey string "password"
basicAuth.secretName string "athens-proxy-basic-auth" Secret name, containing the 'passwordSecretKey' and 'usernameSecretKey'
basicAuth.usernameSecretKey string "username"
configEnvVars list [] Set environment variables to be passed to athens pods
extraLabels object {} Add extra labels to all resources
gitconfig.enabled bool false If enabled, it expects to find git configuration in the named secret provided below. By default, gitconfig is disabled
gitconfig.secretKey string "gitconfig" Key in the kubernetes secret that contains git config data
gitconfig.secretName string "athens-proxy-gitconfig" Name of the kubernetes secret (in the same namespace as athens-proxy) that contains git config
goGetWorkers int 3 Specify the number of go workers
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify a imagePullPolicy. see
image.pullSecrets list [] Specify secrets containing credentials for pulling images
image.registry string ""
image.repository string "gomods/athens"
image.runAsNonRoot bool false Determine if the image should run as root or user athens
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.className string ""
ingress.enabled bool false Create an Ingress resource for athens
ingress.hosts list [] Provide an array of values for the ingress host mapping
ingress.tls list []
initContainerSecurityContext object {} Init container security context configuration
intiContainerResources object {} Define resources for the init container of athens
jaeger.annotations object {}
jaeger.enabled bool false Deploy a jaeger "all-in-one" pod for tracing
jaeger.image.repository string "jaegertracing/all-in-one"
jaeger.image.tag string "latest"
jaeger.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service; valid values are "ClusterIP", "LoadBalancer", and "NodePort".
jaeger.url string "" Specify the jaeger URL for the environment variable used by athens. With default settings, it uses the jaeger-collector-http port of the jaeger service.
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 10
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1
metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled bool false Create a ServiceMonitor for prometheus
metrics.serviceScrape.enabled bool false Create a VMServiceScrape for victoria
netrc.enabled bool false If enabled, it expects to find the content of a valid '.netrc' file in the named secret provided below
netrc.existingSecret string "netrcsecret" Secret name, containing the '.netrc' file
nodeSelector object {} see
priorityClassName string "" Priority class for pod scheduling. see API reference:
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 10
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 1
replicaCount int 1 Set the number of athens-proxy replicas, unless autoscaling is enabled
resources object {} Define resources for athens pods. see
securityContext object {} Container security context configuration. see API reference: This will override the image.runAsNonRoot settings in the specified container if runAsUser or runAsGroup are set
service.annotations object {} Add annotations to the service
service.servicePort int 80 Port as exposed by the service
service.type string "ClusterIP" Type of service; valid values are "ClusterIP", "LoadBalancer", and "NodePort". "ClusterIP" is sufficient in the case when the Proxy will be used from within the cluster. To expose externally, consider a "NodePort" or "LoadBalancer" service or use an "Ingress".
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.create bool true Create a ServiceAccount
sshGitServers list [] Configuration for private git servers that will provide ssh and git config to athens in a ConfigMap
storage.disk.persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce"
storage.disk.persistence.enabled bool false Note if you use disk.persistence.enabled, replicaCount should be set to 1 unless your access mode is 'ReadWriteMany' and strategy type must be 'Recreate'
storage.disk.persistence.size string "4Gi"
storage.disk.storageRoot string "/var/lib/athens"
storage.gcp.bucket string ""
storage.gcp.projectID string "" For more information, see: you must set gcp projectID and bucket when running 'helm install'
storage.gcp.serviceAccount string "" Set serviceAccount to a key which has read/write access to the GCS bucket. If you are running Athens inside GCP, you will most likely not need this as GCP figures out internal authentication between products for you.
storage.minio.accessKey string ""
storage.minio.bucket string ""
storage.minio.endpoint string "" All these variables needs to be set when configuring athens to run with minio backend
storage.minio.secretKey string ""
storage.mongo.url string ""
storage.s3.accessKey string ""
storage.s3.bucket string ""
storage.s3.forcePathStyle bool false
storage.s3.region string "" You must set s3 bucket and region when running 'helm install'
storage.s3.secretKey string ""
storage.s3.sessionToken string ""
storage.s3.useDefaultConfiguration bool false
storage.type string "disk" Storage type to use. For a single instance a PVC may be sufficient
strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge int 1
strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable int 1
strategy.type string "Recreate" Using RollingUpdate requires a shared storage
tolerations list [] see
tracing.enabled bool false Set ATHENS_TRACE_EXPORTER* environment variables to point to a tracing deployment.
tracing.type string "jaeger" Value of ATHENS_TRACE_EXPORTER, supported values are "jaeger", "datadog", and "stackdriver".
tracing.url string "" Value of ATHENS_TRACE_EXPORTER_URL
upstreamProxy.enabled bool false This is where you can set the URL for the upstream module repository. If 'enabled' is set to true, Athens will try to download modules from the upstream when it doesn't find them in its own storage. Here's a non-exhaustive list of options you can set here: - -
upstreamProxy.url string ""

Advanced Configuration

For more advanced configuration options please check Athens docs.

Available options:

Pass extra configuration environment variables

You can pass any extra environment variables supported in The example below shows how to set username/password for basic auth:

    value: "some_user"
    value: "some_password"

Private git servers over ssh support

One or more of git servers can added to sshGitServers, and the corresponding config files (git config and ssh config) and ssh keys will be created. Athens then will use these configs and keys to download the source from the git servers.

  ## Private git servers over ssh
  ## to enable uncomment lines with single hash below
  ## hostname of the git server
  - host:
    ## ssh username
    user: git
    ## ssh private key for the user
    privateKey: |
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
      -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
    ## ssh port
    port: 22


Using chart-testing to lint, install and test the chart on a local Kubernetes (Minikube, Rancher Desktop, ...)

ct lint-and-install --all