audit: crit fix audit log not being protected correctly
all: add more helpful help_text to models
all: fix left over references to error templates
audit: fix failed login events not being logged
Merge branch 'master' into pf4
Merge pull request #5 from BeryJu/pf4
providers/saml: fix 500 when SAML Provider not assigned to application
root: run bandit as part of pre-commit
root: use defusedxml's defuse_stdlib globally
static: use codemirror from npm
ui: centrally load CodeMirror and init via data tag
ui: clean up more generic forms, remove is_login everywhere
ui: clean up some more remaining templates
ui: fix branding viewport
ui: fixup minor issues, add static app
ui: include font-awesome
ui: rewrite admin templates to pf4, add some helper scripts
ui: update static docker image to download NPM modules
ui: update templates for jinja2-related fields
ui: use compact templates
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