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Backend project for managing a blog using Node JS, MySQL, Sequelize ORM, JWT, Express JS and MSC architecture.

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Repository files navigation

Blogs API


Backend project for managing a blog with a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete). In this project it was possible to put into practice lessons learned with the MSC architecture (Model, Service and Controller), Node JS for code execution, Express JS for the creation of the API that communicates with the database, JSON Web Token to generate acess token, MySQL to store the data in the database, and Sequelize ORM to make transactions, migrations, seeds and querying.

Developed using

JavaScript, Node JS, MySQL, Express JS, JSON Web Token (JWT), MSC Architecture, Sequelize ORM

API Endpoints

  • Create new user
Method: POST
Endpoint: /user
Body example:
 "displayName": "username example",
 "email": "",
 "password": "pass_example",
 "image": ""
  • Login user
Method: POST
Endpoint: /login
Body example:
 "email": "",
 "password": "pass_example",
  • Get all users
Method: GET
Endpoint: /user
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
  • Get user by ID
Method: GET
Endpoint: /user/:id
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
  • Delete user
Method: DELETE
Endpoint: /user/me
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
  • Get all categories
Method: GET
Endpoint: /categories
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
  • Create category
Method: POST
Endpoint: /categories
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
Body example:
 "name": "category_name",
  • Get all posts
Method: GET
Endpoint: /post
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
  • Get post by ID
Method: GET
Endpoint: /post/:id
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
  • Search post by query
Method: GET
Endpoint: /post/search?q={search_query}
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
  • Create post
Method: POST
Endpoint: /post
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
Body example:
 "title": "new title example",
 "content": "new content example",
 "categoryIds": [1, 2]
  • Update post
Method: PUT
Endpoint: /post/:id
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)
Body example:
 "title": "updated title example",
 "content": "updated content example"
  • Delete post
Method: DELETE
Endpoint: /post/:id
Header - authorization: place_user_token (token generated in POST /login or POST /user)

Running the project

1 - Clone the project
2 - Enter the directory blogs-api/
3 - Start docker
4 - Run the command docker compose up -d
5 - Run the command docker exec -it blogs_api bash
6 - Run the command npm install inside docker to install
7 - Run the command npm run prestart inside docker to create database and migrate
8 - Run the command npm run seed inside docker to populate database
9 - Run the command npm run debug inside docker to run application
(Optional) If you need to drop the DB, run the command npm run drop inside docker


Backend project for managing a blog using Node JS, MySQL, Sequelize ORM, JWT, Express JS and MSC architecture.




