Implementation of the Word2Vec Skip-Gram model.
- python 3.6
- conda 4.4.8
The Word2Vec implementation in this repository is based on the general purpose neural network available in
file. In order to test the network (forward and back propagation) you can launch the following command:
python tests/
As mentioned before, the implemented neural network can be used for different purposes. A simple example on image classification can be test with the following command:
python applications/
Such application exploits 2 different datasets (one for the training step and the other for the test step):
After 2500 iterations at the training stage, you should obtain the following accuracy results:
- Accuracy: 1.0 (on the training dataset)
- Accuracy: 0.72 (on the test dataset)
Only the Skip-Gram model is currently available in this repository. In order to test with gradient check the backward propagation implemented within such model, you can launch the following command:
python tests/
The model has been trained using the Sentiment Treebank dataset built by the Stanford NLP Group. Such datasets are published in this repository:
To train the model you have to launch the following command:
python applications/sentiment/
Cost at convergence should be around or below 10.
Below a vector representation of some words after the training stage:
To test the accuracy of the trained model using regularization, you can launch the following command:
python applications/sentiment/
This test is performed exploiting different values of regularization. With the developed model you obtain the following results in terms of accuracy.
Regularization | Train Acc | Dev Acc |
0.000000E+00 | 28.441011 | 29.700272 |
1.000000E-06 | 28.441011 | 29.881926 |
1.000000E-05 | 28.511236 | 29.609446 |
1.000000E-04 | 28.359082 | 28.065395 |
1.000000E-03 | 27.141854 | 25.340599 |
1.000000E-02 | 27.153558 | 25.522252 |
1.000000E-01 | 27.153558 | 25.522252 |
1.000000E+00 | 13.096910 | 13.079019 |
The code developed in this repository is based on the source code released in the following online courses:
- Deep Learning Specialization - Coursera
- Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing - Stanford (converted to enable the use in Python 3)