TechStack is a platform built with a motivation to enhance technical discussions, innovation and coding standards across the computer science industry. This is a platform for developers where they can read, write and discuss about the new technology penetrations and also get better perspectives on old technology. This community is aimed to serve the concept of paradigm shift for developers with respect to various technologies across the globe.
Use case:
Let's say a google developer is doing something in his company using AngularJs and later he posted the concept on our platform. Now, as other developers can read and discuss about the post, they can suggest improvisation or maybe take it as innovation with AngularJs that they have never seen before. It may also be a case that people in other companies are using some heavy resources which are not really required, leading to code optimisation and system efficiency, leading to cost reduction.
To run the project on your system do the following:
1> Open the terminal
2> Run Sudo npm install
3> Run nodemon
4> Open localhost 3005