To use the various weather/geo data services, for glglobe use this lib.
At the moment the following satellite image services are supported:
- RealEarth, with a excellent global coverage (we only use the global products)
- EumetSat, with some close to real time images
- Deutscher Wetterdienst, with a surprisingly wide coverage (but for some we lack the coordinate transform magic)
Requirs genericImg&genericGlm so build&install these first.
To build use any (lin)ux:
autoreconf -fis ./configure ... makeFor use needs to be installed:
make installFor Debian
apt-get install libsoup-3.0-devFor windows (get msys2 the files shoud adapt use e.g.
pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-libsoup3 ./configure --prefix=/mingw64