- Multiple Viewpoints
- Cube Mapping (Scene Loading)
- Implemented WASDRF movement in Camera class
- Normal Mapping
- Environment Mapping
- Shading:
- Simple shading: Lambert + Blinn-Phong
- Advanced shading: Textured PBR
- Both include normal mapping
- Material Textures:
, and shininess for simple shading- Albedo, roughness, metallic, and ambient occlusion for PBR
- Hierarchical Transformations:
- Animated robot arm with several components (animation is code-driven, not imported from external software)
- Smooth Paths (basic Bézier curves)
- Bézier Curves (extra part, moving at constant speed along a Bézier curve)
- Image-Based Lighting
- Particle Effects (explosions, magic spells, fire)